Validation results



WordPress 6.7.2 theme
  • THEME TYPEWordPress theme 6.7.2
  • FILE NAMEworkscout.zip
  • FILE SIZE19835574 bytes
  • MD5bd48322efef5e018c61a66376f9f6a69
  • SHA1aeb871767ce1939d13505956e9a9fc577e4781ca
  • LICENSECustom
  • FILES INCLUDEDCSS, PHP, Bitmap images
  • THEME URIhttp://workscout.in/
  • VERSION1.5.1.1
  • TAGSpost-formats, theme-options, translation-ready, two-columns
  • CREATION DATE2019-11-23
  • LAST FILE UPDATE2019-11-23
  • LAST VALIDATION2019-11-23 16:37

This theme seems to be proprietary. Themecheck doesn't distribute commercial themes.
Critical alerts
  1. Malware : Operations on file system file_put_contents was found in the file envato-setup-export.php 203: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/default204: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_205: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_206: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/menu.js207: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/optionsfile_put_contents was found in the file envato-setup-export.php 203: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/default204: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_205: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_206: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/menu.js207: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/optionsfile_put_contents was found in the file envato-setup-export.php 203: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/default204: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_205: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_206: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/menu.js207: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/optionsfile_put_contents was found in the file envato-setup-export.php 203: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/default204: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_205: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_206: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/menu.js207: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/optionsfile_put_contents was found in the file envato-setup-export.php 203: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/default204: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_205: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/widget_206: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/menu.js207: file_put_contents( get_home_path() . '/wp-content/uploads/workscout/optionsfile_get_contents was found in the file parsers.php 66: $success = $dom->loadXML( file_get_contents( $file ) );269: if ( ! xml_parse( $xml, file_get_contents( $file ), true ) ) {file_get_contents was found in the file parsers.php 66: $success = $dom->loadXML( file_get_contents( $file ) );269: if ( ! xml_parse( $xml, file_get_contents( $file ), true ) ) {fopen was found in the file parsers.php 415: $fp = $this->fopen( $file, 'r' );641: function fopen( $filename, $mode = 'r' ) {644: return fopen( $filename, $mode );fclose was found in the file parsers.php 464: $this->fclose($fp);659: function fclose( $fp ) {662: return fclose( $fp );fopen was found in the file parsers.php 415: $fp = $this->fopen( $file, 'r' );641: function fopen( $filename, $mode = 'r' ) {644: return fopen( $filename, $mode );fopen was found in the file parsers.php 415: $fp = $this->fopen( $file, 'r' );641: function fopen( $filename, $mode = 'r' ) {644: return fopen( $filename, $mode );fclose was found in the file parsers.php 464: $this->fclose($fp);659: function fclose( $fp ) {662: return fclose( $fp );fclose was found in the file parsers.php 464: $this->fclose($fp);659: function fclose( $fp ) {662: return fclose( $fp );file_get_contents was found in the file registration.php 420: $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='754: $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='819: $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='file_get_contents was found in the file registration.php 420: $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='754: $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='819: $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='file_get_contents was found in the file registration.php 420: $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='754: $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='819: $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='file_put_contents was found in the file wp-job-manager.php 1320: //file_put_contents($file, $resp_json);
  2. Admin menu : Themes should use add_theme_page() for adding admin pages. File activation.php : 44: add_dashboard_page(
  3. Deprecated functions : screen_icon screen_icon found in file wordpress-importer.php. Deprecated since version 3.8.1032: screen_icon();
  4. Deprecated functions : wp_get_http wp_get_http found in file wordpress-importer.php. Deprecated since version 4.4. Use WP_Http instead.905: $headers = wp_get_http( $url, $upload['file'] );
  5. Included plugins : Zip file found Plugins are not allowed in themes. The zip file found was revslider.zip web-font-social-icons.zip purethemes-shortcodes.zip envato-market.zip js_composer.zip purethemes-cpt.zip.
  1. core scripts deregistered : Core scripts deregistrationFound wp_deregister_script in functions.php. Themes must not deregister core scripts. 324: wp_deregister_script( 'wp-job-manager-bookmarks-bookmark-js');369: wp_deregister_script('wp-job-manager-ajax-filters');404: wp_deregister_script('wp-resume-manager-ajax-filters');
  2. Text domain : Incorrect use of translation functions.Found a translation function that has an incorrect number of arguments. Function __, with the arguments 'All Regions', wp-job-manager-locations, 'workscout' in file sidebar-jobs.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'workscout' in file review.php.Found a translation function that has an incorrect number of arguments. Function __, with the arguments 'All Regions', wp-job-manager-locations, 'workscout' in file sidebar-resumes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Setup Wizard' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Setup Wizard' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Setup Wizard' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Setup Wizard' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Introduction' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Plugins' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Content' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Logo & Design' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Customize' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Support' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Ready!' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments '...verifying' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Theme › Setup Wizard' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Return to the WordPress Dashboard' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Welcome to the setup wizard for %s.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'It looks like you may have recently upgraded to this theme. Great! This setup wizard will help ensure all the default settings are correct. It will also show some information about your new website and support options.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Let\'s Go!' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Not right now' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Welcome to the setup wizard for %s.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'It looks like you have already run the setup wizard. Below are some options: ' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Run Setup Wizard Again' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_attr_e, with the arguments 'Reset font style and colors' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Cancel' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Welcome to the setup wizard for %s.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Thank you for choosing the %s theme from ThemeForest. This quick setup wizard will help you configure your new website. This wizard will install the required WordPress plugins, default content, logo and tell you a little about Help & Support options. It should only take 5 minutes.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'No time right now? If you don\'t want to go through the wizard, you can skip and return to the WordPress dashboard. Come back anytime if you change your mind!' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Let\'s Go!' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Not right now' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Options have been reset. Please go to Appearance > Customize in the WordPress backend.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Default Plugins' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Your website needs a few essential plugins. The following plugins will be installed or updated:' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Good news! All plugins are already installed and up to date. Please continue.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'You can add and remove plugins later on from within WordPress.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Continue' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Skip this step' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'No Slug Found' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Activating Plugin' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Updating Plugin' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Installing Plugin' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Success' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'This will create default %s as seen in the demo.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Pending.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Installing.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Success.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Widgets' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Insert default sidebar widgets as seen in the demo.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Pending.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Installing Default Widgets.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Success.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Settings' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Configure default settings.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Pending.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Installing Default Settings.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Success.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Default Content' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'It looks like you already have content installed on this website. If you would like to install the default demo content as well you can select it below. Otherwise just choose the upgrade option to ensure everything is up to date.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'It\'s time to insert some default content for your new WordPress website. Choose what you would like inserted below and click Continue. It is recommended to leave everything selected. Once inserted, this content can be managed from the WordPress admin dashboard. ' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Item' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Description' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Status' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Continue' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Skip this step' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'No content Found' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Error' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Remote server did not respond' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Remote file is incorrect size' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Zero size file downloaded' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Remote file is too large, limit is %s' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Logo & Design' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Please add your logo below. For best results, the logo should be a transparent PNG ( 200 by 40 pixels). The logo can be changed at any time from the Appearance > Customize area in your dashboard. Try %sEnvato Studio%s if you need a new logo designed.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Upload New Logo' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Please choose the color scheme for this website. The color scheme (along with font colors & styles) can be changed at any time from the Appearance > Customize area in your dashboard.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_attr_e, with the arguments 'Continue' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Skip this step' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Theme Updates' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Continue' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Please login using your ThemeForest account to enable Theme Updates. We update themes when a new feature is added or a bug is fixed. It is highly recommended to enable Theme Updates.' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_attr_e, with the arguments 'Login with Envato' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Skip this step' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Continue' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Agree and Continue' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Your Website is Ready!' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Next Steps' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'View your new website!' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'More Resources' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Read the Theme Documentation' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Learn how to use WordPress' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Leave an Item Rating' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html_e, with the arguments 'Get Help and Support' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Something went wrong while trying to retrieve oauth token: %s' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'Login for %s updates' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'oAuth Login' in file envato_setup.php.Found a translation function that has an incorrect number of arguments. Function _e, with the arguments 'Username or email address', woocommerce, 'workscout' in file template-dashboard.php.Found a translation function that has an incorrect number of arguments. Function _e, with the arguments 'Password', woocommerce, 'workscout' in file template-dashboard.php.Found a translation function that has an incorrect number of arguments. Function __, with the arguments 'All Regions', wp-job-manager-locations, 'workscout' in file template-home-resumes.php.Found a translation function that has an incorrect number of arguments. Function _e, with the arguments 'Oops! That page can’t be found.', trizzy, 'workscout' in file 404.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments in file registration.php.More than one text-domain is being used in this theme. This means the theme will not be compatible with WordPress.org language packs. The domains found are workscout, wp-job-manager-locations, woocommerce, theme-text-domain, option-tree-theme, option-tree, envato_setup, wordpress-importer, kirki, wp-job-manager-applications, trizzy, wp-job-manager, sphene, wp-job-manager-resumes, tgmpa, envato-market, my_textdomain.
  3. Plugin territory : Plugin territory functionalitiesThe theme uses the add_shortcode() function. Custom post-content shortcodes are plugin-territory functionality.
  4. Custom elements : Presence of custom headerNo reference to custom header was found in the theme.
  5. Deprecated functions : screen_iconscreen_icon found in file wordpress-importer.php. Deprecated since version 3.8.1032: screen_icon();
  6. Editor style : Presence of editor styleNo reference to add_editor_style() was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implements editor styling, so as to make the editor content match the resulting post output in the theme, for a better user experience.
  7. I18N implementation : Proper use of ___all(Possible variable $user_register found in translation function in registration.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables.
  8. Screenshot : Screenshot fileScreenshot dimensions are wrong! Detected: 422x317px (422:317). Ratio of width to height should be 4:3.Screenshot size is 422x317px. Screenshot size should be 1200x900, to account for HiDPI displays. Any 4:3 image size is acceptable, but 1200x900 is preferred.Bad screenshot file extension ! File screenshot.png is not an actual JPG file. Detected type was : "image/png".
  1. Static links : Presence of hard-coded linksPossible hard-coded links were found in the file envato_setup.php.2382: <p><?php printf( esc_html__( 'Please add your logo below. For best results, the logo should be a transparent PNG ( 200 by 40 pixels). The logo can be changed at any time from the Appearance > Customize area in your dashboard. Try %sEnvato Studio%s if you need a new logo designed.' ), '<a href='http://studiotracking.envato.com/aff_c?offer_id=4&aff_id=1564&source=DemoIn2433: href='http://studiotracking.envato.com/aff_c?offer_id=4&aff_id=1564&source=DemoIn2628: href='http://studiotracking.envato.com/aff_c?offer_id=4&aff_id=1564&source=DemoIn2632: href='http://studiotracking.envato.com/aff_c?offer_id=4&aff_id=1564&source=DemoIn2614: <p>Item Support can be accessed from <a href='https://themeforest.net/item/workscout-job-board-wordpress-theme/13591801/s2697: <li class='support'><a href='https://themeforest.net/item/workscout-job-board-wordpress-theme/13591801/s2673: <p>Please come back and <a href='http://themeforest.net/downloads' target='_blank'>leave a 5-star rating</a>2695: <li class='rating'><a href='http://themeforest.net/downloads'2623: <p>Make sure to check our <a target='_blank' href='http://kb.purethemes.net/collection/1-workscout'>Knowldege Base</a> to lear2689: <li class='documentation'><a href='http://kb.purethemes.net/collection/1-workscout'2673: <p>Please come back and <a href='http://themeforest.net/downloads' target='_blank'>leave a 5-star rating</a>2695: <li class='rating'><a href='http://themeforest.net/downloads'2614: <p>Item Support can be accessed from <a href='https://themeforest.net/item/workscout-job-board-wordpress-theme/13591801/s2697: <li class='support'><a href='https://themeforest.net/item/workscout-job-board-wordpress-theme/13591801/sPossible hard-coded links were found in the file extras.php.323: <p><?php _e( 'Hi! Since last changes in Google Maps <strong>it\'s required now to provide API key</strong> to be able to include maps on your page. You can do it in <a href='customize.php'>Customize - Map Options</a>. Visit this <a target='_blank' hPossible hard-coded links were found in the file maps.php.16: 'description' => __( 'Check <a href='http://purethemes.helpscoutdocs.com/article/73-google-maps-api-key-for-workPossible hard-coded links were found in the file activation.php.67: <p>You'll find the <strong>documenation</strong> and start guide <a href='http://purethemes.helpscoutdocs.com/category/4-1-getting-started'>here</a>.72: <a target='_blank' href='http://purethemes.helpscoutdocs.com/category/4-1-getting-started' class='bu68: <p>If you want the same content as the demo page, you need to buy also some additional plugins, WorkScout is based on <strong>WP Job Manager</strong> and it's add-ons. The free version of <strong>WP Job Manager</strong> allows for listing jobs and job submissions, If you want to have resumes, application, bookmarks, job alerts and other features you can see on a demo, the best way would be to buy the <strong><a href='https://wpjobmanager.com/add-ons/bundle/?ref=7&campaign=theme'>Core Add-on 70: <p>For theme related support request contact me please via <a href='http://themeforest.net/item/workscout-job-board-wordpress-theme/13591801/su71: <p> The WP Job Manager plugin and its add-ons are handled by <a href='https://wpjobmanager.com/support/?ref=7&campaign=theme'>WPJM support</a>.</
  2. Optional files : Presence of rtl stylesheet rtl.cssThis theme does not contain optional file rtl.php.
  3. Optional files : Presence of front page template file front-page.phpThis theme does not contain optional file front-page.php.
  4. Optional files : Presence of home template file home.phpThis theme does not contain optional file home.php.
  5. Optional files : Presence of category template file category.phpThis theme does not contain optional file category.php.
  6. Optional files : Presence of tag template file tag.phpThis theme does not contain optional file tag.php.
  7. Optional files : Presence of term template file taxonomy.phpThis theme does not contain optional file taxonomy.php.
  8. Optional files : Presence of author template file author.phpThis theme does not contain optional file author.php.
  9. Optional files : Presence of date/time template file date.phpThis theme does not contain optional file date.php.
  10. Optional files : Presence of attachment template file attachment.phpThis theme does not contain optional file attachment.php.
  11. Optional files : Presence of image template file image.phpThis theme does not contain optional file image.php.
  12. Use of includes : Use of include or requireThe theme appears to use include or require : demo-functions.php 65: # require( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'option-tree/ot-load70: # require( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . 'admin/theme-options If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : ot-loader.php 555: include_once( $file ); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : ot-functions-docs-page.php 751: require( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . \'includes/meta-boxe834: require( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . \'option-tree/ot-loa851: require( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ) . \'includes/theme-opt If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : envato_setup.php 617: include('envato-setup-export.php');705: require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' );2088: require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' );2113: require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.
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