Validation results

Le Valois

Le Valois

WordPress 6.7.2 theme
  • THEME TYPEWordPress theme 6.7.2
  • FILE NAMETheme-le-valois.zip
  • FILE SIZE3826469 bytes
  • MD5df90ccca06f4c55e436e44e9b8aeb7b7
  • SHA10264f79e03d22943208d3ba9a99b985801be0205
  • FILES INCLUDEDCSS, PHP, XML, Bitmap images, Adobe Illustrator
  • THEME URIhttp://www.angouleme.fr
  • VERSION2.0.0
  • CREATION DATE2020-10-12
  • LAST FILE UPDATE2020-10-12
  • LAST VALIDATION2020-10-12 07:27
This theme seems to be proprietary. Themecheck doesn't distribute commercial themes.
Critical alerts
  1. Title : Title No reference to add_theme_support( "title-tag" ) was found in the theme.The theme needs to have <title> tags, ideally in the header.php file.The theme needs to have a call to wp_title(), ideally in the header.php file.
  2. Security breaches : Use of base64_decode() Found base64_decode in file twitteroauth.php. 209: $decoded_sig = base64_decode($signature);
  3. Security breaches : Use of base64_encode() Found base64_encode in file twitteroauth.php.
     return base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $base_string, $key, true));
     return base64_encode($signature);
  4. Unwanted files : hidden file(s) or folder(s) .htaccess .git was found.
  5. Malware : Operations on file system file_get_contents was found in the file header-404.php 79: $logo_site_no_retina = '<div class='site_logo_404' '. $logoCSS .' >' . file_get_contents($logo_site_dir) . '</div>';92: $logo_site_retina = '<div class='site_logo_404'>' . file_get_contents($logo_site_dir) . '</div>';file_get_contents was found in the file header-404.php 79: $logo_site_no_retina = '<div class='site_logo_404' '. $logoCSS .' >' . file_get_contents($logo_site_dir) . '</div>';92: $logo_site_retina = '<div class='site_logo_404'>' . file_get_contents($logo_site_dir) . '</div>';file_get_contents was found in the file image.php 6: // echo file_get_contents($post->guid);file_get_contents was found in the file header.php 102: $logo_site_no_retina = '<div class='site_logo' '. $logoCSS .' >' . file_get_contents($logo_site_dir) . '</div>';115: $logo_site_retina = '<div class='site_logo'>' . file_get_contents($logo_site_dir) . '</div>';file_get_contents was found in the file header.php 102: $logo_site_no_retina = '<div class='site_logo' '. $logoCSS .' >' . file_get_contents($logo_site_dir) . '</div>';115: $logo_site_retina = '<div class='site_logo'>' . file_get_contents($logo_site_dir) . '</div>';file_get_contents was found in the file pdf.php 10: // echo file_get_contents($url);file_get_contents was found in the file twitteroauth.php 279: file_get_contents(self::$POST_INPUT)fopen was found in the file custom-category.php 156: $moncss = fopen(get_template_directory().'/css/cat_color.css', 'w');fclose was found in the file custom-category.php 181: fclose($moncss);
  6. Malware : Network operations curl_init was found in the file twitteroauth.php 1086: $ci = curl_init();curl_exec was found in the file twitteroauth.php 1112: $response = curl_exec($ci);
  7. Admin menu : Themes should use add_theme_page() for adding admin pages. File class-tgm-plugin-activation.php : 728: $this->page_hook = call_user_func( 'add_submenu_page', $args['parent_slug'], $args['page_title'], $args['menu_t
  8. Comment reply : Declaration of comment reply Could not find the comment-reply js script enqueued.
  9. Content width : Proper definition of content_width No content width has been defined. Example:
    if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 900;
  1. special URIs : Presence of bad theme tagsTheme URI and Author URI should not be the same.
  2. theme tags : Presence of bad theme tagsFound wrong tag in style.css header.
  3. Text domain : Incorrect use of translation functions.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments "Afficher tous les articles de la catégorie" in file single.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'This theme requires the following plugin: %1$s.', 'This theme requires the following plugins: %1$s.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'This theme recommends the following plugin: %1$s.', 'This theme recommends the following plugins: %1$s.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'Sorry, but you do not have the correct permissions to install the %s plugin. Contact the administrator of this site for help on getting the plugin installed.', 'Sorry, but you do not have the correct permissions to install the %s plugins. Contact the administrator of this site for help on getting the plugins installed.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'The following required plugin is currently inactive: %1$s.', 'The following required plugins are currently inactive: %1$s.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'The following recommended plugin is currently inactive: %1$s.', 'The following recommended plugins are currently inactive: %1$s.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'Sorry, but you do not have the correct permissions to activate the %s plugin. Contact the administrator of this site for help on getting the plugin activated.', 'Sorry, but you do not have the correct permissions to activate the %s plugins. Contact the administrator of this site for help on getting the plugins activated.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'The following plugin needs to be updated to its latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: %1$s.', 'The following plugins need to be updated to their latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: %1$s.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'Sorry, but you do not have the correct permissions to update the %s plugin. Contact the administrator of this site for help on getting the plugin updated.', 'Sorry, but you do not have the correct permissions to update the %s plugins. Contact the administrator of this site for help on getting the plugins updated.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'Begin installing plugin', 'Begin installing plugins' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n_noop, with the arguments 'Activate installed plugin', 'Activate installed plugins' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_attr_e, with the arguments 'Move up' in file custom-menu.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_attr_e, with the arguments 'Move down' in file custom-menu.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_attr_e, with the arguments 'Edit Menu Item' in file custom-menu.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Submenu type:' in file custom-menu.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Original: %s' in file custom-menu.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Remove Image' in file Tax-meta-class.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Upload Image' in file Tax-meta-class.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'notice_cannot_install_activate' in file class-tgm-plugin-activation.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function esc_html__, with the arguments 'contact_admin' in file class-tgm-plugin-activation.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Retour en haut' in file footer.php.More than one text-domain is being used in this theme. This means the theme will not be compatible with WordPress.org language packs. The domains found are meganews, cycloneslider, , js_composer, tax-meta, tgmpa.
  4. Plugin territory : Plugin territory functionalitiesThe theme uses the register_post_type() function, which is plugin-territory functionality.The theme uses the add_shortcode() function. Custom post-content shortcodes are plugin-territory functionality.
  5. Unwanted directories : GIT revision control directoryA.git was found.
  6. PHP short tags : Presence of PHP short tagsPHP short tags were found in file 404.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.10: <p>Retour à la page d'acceuil : <a href='<?= home_url('/') ?>'>Cliquez ici</a></p>PHP short tags were found in file header-404.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.116: <link rel='shortcut icon' href='<?= $favicon; ?>' type='image/vnd.microsoft.icon'/>117: <link rel='icon' href='<?= $favicon; ?>' type='image/x-ico'/>124: <a href='<?= home_url('/') ?>' titre='Site Angouleme.fr'>127: <?= $logo_site_no_retina , $logo_site_retina ?>129: <?= $logo_site_ie ?>132: <h1 class='titre-site'><?= $titre_site ?></h1>PHP short tags were found in file articles_relatifs_2.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.4: <a href='<?= $slug_root ?>/<?= $post_name;?>/'><?= $post_image;?></a>5: <a class='category_sticker post_cat_tag category-bg-color-<?= $post_category[0]->term_id;?>' href='<?= $slug_root ?>/'><?= $post_cate10: <?= $post_date;?>12: <a class='category-hover-color-<?= $post_category[0]->term_id;?>' href='<?= $slug_root ?>/<?= $post_name;?13: <h3 class='post-title'><?= $post_title;?></h3>16: <?= $post_excerpt;?>PHP short tags were found in file articles_relatifs_1.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.3: <a href='<?= $slug_root ?>/<?= $post_name;?>/'><?= $post_image;?></a>4: <a class='category_sticker articles_relatifs_tag_template_1 post_cat_tag category-bg-color-<?= $post_category[0]->term_id;?>' href='<?= $slug_root ?>/'><?= $post_cate6: <?= $post_date;?>8: <a class='category-hover-color-<?= $post_category[0]->term_id;?>' href='<?= $slug_root ?>/<?= $post_name;?9: <h3 class='post-title'><?= $post_title;?></h3>12: <?= $post_excerpt;?>PHP short tags were found in file articles_relatifs_default.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.2: <a href='<?= home_url();?>/<?= $post_category[0]->slug;?>/'><?= $post_image;?></a>3: <a class='category_sticker post_cat_tag category-bg-color-<?= $post_category[0]->term_id;?>' href='<?= home_url();?>/<?= $post_catego5: <?= $post_date;?>7: <a class='category-hover-color-<?= $post_category[0]->term_id;?>' href='<?= home_url();?>/<?= $post_catego8: <h3 class='post-title'><?= $post_title;?></h3>11: <?= $post_excerpt;?>PHP short tags were found in file archive.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.5: <?= sije_get_tool_accesibility(); ?>79: <h3 class='main-titles <?= (!empty($img) ? 'title-a-la-une' : '') ?>'><?php single_cat_title(); ?>116: <!-- <h2 class='categorie_suggestion'>Suggestion pour <?= $cat ?></h2> -->117: <h2 class='categorie_suggestion'>Articles relatifs pour la catégorie : <strong><?= $cat ?></strong></h2>165: <img src='<?php echo $imagethumb[0];?>' alt='<?php echo $alt;?>' title='<?=the_title()?>'/>173: <?= $post_alternative_cat_tag; ?>177: <?= $cat_name; ?>257: <a href='<?= get_permalink() ?>' class='category-hover-color-<?= $cat_id?>' target='259: <img src='<?= $imagethumb[0] ?>' alt='<?= $alt?>' title='<?=the_title()?>'/>261: <img src='<?= thumbnail_post_default('post_vignette') ?>' alt='Vignette par defaut'>267: <?= $post_alternative_cat_tag; ?>270: <a href='<?= $cat_link ?>' class='post_cat_tag category-bg-color-<?= $cat_id ?>'>271: <?= $cat_name ?>276: <?= $post_tag_new ?>290: <span class='post_cat_tag category-bg-color-'.$cat_id.''><?= $postsAverageReview ?></span>296: <div class='post-date'><?= get_the_date('d M Y') ?></div>301: <a class='category-hover-color-<?= $cat_id ?>' href='<?= get_permalink() ?>' target='_self' title='<?= esc303: <?= esc_html(get_the_title())?>PHP short tags were found in file header.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.158: <header id='header-wrapper' class='header-wrapper <?= $cycle_current ?>'>183: <a href='<?= home_url('/'); ?>' class='lien_header_accueil'>185: <?= $logo_site_no_retina , $logo_site_retina ?>187: <?= $logo_site_ie ?>190: <strong class='titre-site' style='color:<?=$color_titre?>;'><?= $titre_site ?> </strong>192: <br><cite class='slogan' style='color:<?=$color_slogan?>;'><?= get_bloginfo('description'); ?></cite>PHP short tags were found in file search.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.6: <?= sije_get_tool_accesibility(); ?>PHP short tags were found in file page.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.41: <?= sije_get_tool_accesibility(); ?>49: <div class='single-post-info single-page-title <?= (!empty($img) ? 'title-a-la-une' : '')?>'><?= $title;?></div>51: <?= $img; ?>PHP short tags were found in file footer-404.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.4: <?= sije_get_analytics_tracker() ?>PHP short tags were found in file single.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.5: <?= sije_get_tool_accesibility(); ?>36: <p class='single-post-title <?= (!empty($img)) ? 'title-a-la-une' : '' ?>'><?= esc_html(get_the_title()37: <?=$img ?>40: <a class='post_cat_tag category-bg-color-<?= $cat_info->cat_ID; ?>' href='<?= $cat_info->link; ?>'><?= esc_html(ucfi43: <i class='fa fa-calendar'></i> Le <?= get_the_time('l d M Y à G\hi A', $post->ID ); ?>219: <?= $article_relatif; ?>222: <a href='<?= $cat_info->link ?>' class='liens_articles category-bg-color-<?= $cat_inPHP short tags were found in file functions.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.1069: <a title='Facebook' href='https://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=<?= $permalink;?>&t=<?= $title; ?>' target='_blank'><img src='<?= get_templ1074: <a title='Twitter' href='http://twitter.com/home?status=<?= $title; ?>%20-%20<?= $permalink;?>' target='_blank'><img src='<?= get_t1079: <a title='Google Plus' href='https://plus.google.com/share?url=<?= $permalink;?>' target='_blank'><img src='<?= get_template_directory_uri1084: <a title='LinkedIn' href='http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=<?= $permalink;?>&title=<?= $title;?>' target='_blank'><img src='<?= get_te1089: <a title='Tumblr' href='http://www.tumblr.com/share/link?url=<?= $permalink;?>&name=<?= $title;?>' target='_blank'><img src='<?= get_tem1094: <a title='RSS' href='http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=<?= $permalink;?>&title=<?= $title;?>' target='_blank'><img src='<?= get_te1099: <a title='Pinterest' href='http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=<?= $permalink;?>' target='_blank'><img src='<?= get_template_directory_uri1107: <a title='Imprimer la page' href='#' target=''><img src='<?= get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/socials/print.jpg' alt='imprime1121: <a title='Mail' href='mailto:<?= $mailShare;?>?subject=<?= $title;?>&body=<?= $permalink; ?>' target='_b1148: <?= get_avatar( get_the_author_meta('email'), '90' ); ?>PHP short tags were found in file custom-menu.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.305: <li id='menu-item-<?= $item_id; ?>' class='<?= implode(' ', $classes ); ?>'>308: <span class='item-title'><?= esc_html( $title ); ?></span>310: <span class='item-type'><?= esc_html( $item->type_label ); ?></span>338: <a class='item-edit' id='edit-<?= $item_id; ?>' title='<?php esc_attr_e('Edit Menu Item'); ?>' href='<?ph345: <div class='menu-item-settings' id='menu-item-settings-<?= $item_id; ?>'>348: <label for='edit-menu-item-url-<?= $item_id; ?>'>350: <input type='text' id='edit-menu-item-url-<?= $item_id; ?>' class='widefat code edit-menu-item-url' name='menu-item-u355: <label for='edit-menu-item-title-<?= $item_id; ?>'>357: <input type='text' id='edit-menu-item-title-<?= $item_id; ?>' class='widefat edit-menu-item-title' name='menu-item-titl361: <label for='edit-menu-item-attr-title-<?= $item_id; ?>'>363: <input type='text' id='edit-menu-item-attr-title-<?= $item_id; ?>' class='widefat edit-menu-item-attr-title' name='menu-item367: <label for='edit-menu-item-target-<?= $item_id; ?>'>368: <input type='checkbox' id='edit-menu-item-target-<?= $item_id; ?>' value='_blank' name='menu-item-target[<?= $item_id; ?>]'<373: <label for='edit-menu-item-classes-<?= $item_id; ?>'>375: <input type='text' id='edit-menu-item-classes-<?= $item_id; ?>' class='widefat code edit-menu-item-classes' name='menu-it379: <label for='edit-menu-item-xfn-<?= $item_id; ?>'>381: <input type='text' id='edit-menu-item-xfn-<?= $item_id; ?>' class='widefat code edit-menu-item-xfn' name='menu-item-x385: <label for='edit-menu-item-description-<?= $item_id; ?>'>387: <textarea id='edit-menu-item-description-<?= $item_id; ?>' class='widefat edit-menu-item-description' rows='3' cols=395: <label for='edit-menu-item-subtitle-<?= $item_id; ?>'>405: <select style='width:100px;' id='edit-menu-item-subtitle-<?= $item_id; ?>' class='widefat code edit-menu-item-custom' name='menu-ite410: <?= $option; ?>430: <a class='item-delete submitdelete deletion' id='delete-<?= $item_id; ?>' href='<?php440: ); ?>'><?php _e('Remove', 'meganews'); ?></a> <span class='meta-sep'> | </span> <a class='item-cancel submitcancel' id='cancel-<?= $item_id; ?>' href='<?= esc_url( add_query_arg( array('edit-menu-item' 441: // ?>#menu-item-settings-<?= $item_id; ?>'><?php _e('Cancel', 'meganews'); ?></a>444: <input class='menu-item-data-db-id' type='hidden' name='menu-item-db-id[<?= $item_id; ?>]' value='<?= $item_id; ?>' />445: <input class='menu-item-data-object-id' type='hidden' name='menu-item-object-id[<?= $item_id; ?>]' value='<?= esc_attr( $item->object_id ); ?>' />446: <input class='menu-item-data-object' type='hidden' name='menu-item-object[<?= $item_id; ?>]' value='<?= esc_attr( $item->object ); ?>' />447: <input class='menu-item-data-parent-id' type='hidden' name='menu-item-parent-id[<?= $item_id; ?>]' value='<?= esc_attr( $item->menu_item_parent ); ?>' />448: <input class='menu-item-data-position' type='hidden' name='menu-item-position[<?= $item_id; ?>]' value='<?= esc_attr( $item->menu_order ); ?>' />449: <input class='menu-item-data-type' type='hidden' name='menu-item-type[<?= $item_id; ?>]' value='<?= esc_attr( $item->type ); ?>' />PHP short tags were found in file footer.php. "This practice is discouraged because they are only available if enabled with short_open_tag php.ini configuration file directive, or if PHP was configured with the --enable-short-tags option" (php.net), which is not the case on many servers.54: <a href='#' id='btn_to_up' class='btn_to_up' title='<?= __('Retour en haut') ?>'>81: <?= sije_get_analytics_tracker() ?>
  7. Fundamental theme elements : Presence of comments_template()Could not find comments_template.
  8. Custom elements : Presence of custom headerNo reference to custom header was found in the theme.
  9. Custom elements : Presence of custom backgroundNo reference to custom background was found in the theme.
  10. Editor style : Presence of editor styleNo reference to add_editor_style() was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implements editor styling, so as to make the editor content match the resulting post output in the theme, for a better user experience.
  11. I18N implementation : Proper use of ___all(Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-tgm-plugin-activation.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-tgm-plugin-activation.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables.
  12. I18N implementation : Proper use of esc_html___all(Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-tgm-plugin-activation.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-tgm-plugin-activation.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables.
  13. CSS files : Presence of text domainText Domain: is missing from your style.css header.
  14. Date and time implementation : Use of the_time()At least one hard coded date was found in the file archive.php. Function get_option( 'date_format' ) should be used instead.
  15. Screenshot : Screenshot fileScreenshot is wrong size! Detected: 1315x1021px. Maximum allowed size is 1200x900px.Screenshot dimensions are wrong! Detected: 1315x1021px (1315:1021). Ratio of width to height should be 4:3.Bad screenshot file extension ! File screenshot.png is not an actual JPG file. Detected type was : "image/png".
  1. favicon presence : Favicon managementPossible Favicon found in header-404.php. Favicons are handled by the Site Icon setting in the customizer since version 4.3.Possible Favicon found in header.php. Favicons are handled by the Site Icon setting in the customizer since version 4.3.
  2. Static links : Presence of hard-coded linksPossible hard-coded links were found in the file widget-twitter.php.64: echo '<strong>'.$tweets->errors[0]->message.'!</strong><br />You\'ll need to regenerate it <a href='https://dev.twitter.com/apps' target='_blank'>here</a>!' . $after_widget;Possible hard-coded links were found in the file theme-options.php.165: Pour avoir plus d\'informations sur l\'extension et sur la mise en forme de votre tracker : <a href='https://opt-out.ferank.eu/fr/install/'>https://opt-out.ferank.eu/fr/install167: Plus d\'informations sur la CNIL et les cookies : <a href='https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-traceurs-que-dit-la-loi'>https://www.cnil.fr
  3. Optional files : Presence of rtl stylesheet rtl.cssThis theme does not contain optional file rtl.php.
  4. Optional files : Presence of front page template file front-page.phpThis theme does not contain optional file front-page.php.
  5. Optional files : Presence of home template file home.phpThis theme does not contain optional file home.php.
  6. Optional files : Presence of category template file category.phpThis theme does not contain optional file category.php.
  7. Optional files : Presence of tag template file tag.phpThis theme does not contain optional file tag.php.
  8. Optional files : Presence of term template file taxonomy.phpThis theme does not contain optional file taxonomy.php.
  9. Optional files : Presence of author template file author.phpThis theme does not contain optional file author.php.
  10. Optional files : Presence of date/time template file date.phpThis theme does not contain optional file date.php.
  11. Optional files : Presence of attachment template file attachment.phpThis theme does not contain optional file attachment.php.
  12. Use of includes : Use of include or requireThe theme appears to use include or require : tax_to_term_meta.php 17: * require_once('Tax-meta-class/migration/tax_to_term_meta.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.
Other checked themes