Validation results



WordPress 6.6.1 theme
  • THEME TYPEWordPress theme 6.6.1
  • FILE NAMEthemeforest-qbGm2tbD-lawnella-landscaping-wordpress-theme-wordpress-theme.zip
  • FILE SIZE23026811 bytes
  • MD51f54501162061fea3ae6dd300ad865ba
  • SHA15c95c1b6f885d5b0fac127e61db358703aa6f0ec
  • FILES INCLUDEDCSS, PHP, HTML, XML, Bitmap images, Adobe Illustrator
  • THEME URIhttp://steelthemes.com/lawnella
  • VERSION2.3.5
  • TAGSone-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, full-width-template, post-formats, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
  • CREATION DATE2023-07-27
  • LAST FILE UPDATE2023-07-27
  • LAST VALIDATION2023-07-27 00:47

    1.0.0 : 29%

    1.0 : 7%

This theme seems to be proprietary. Themecheck doesn't distribute commercial themes.
Critical alerts
  1. Included plugins : Zip file found Plugins are not allowed in themes. The zip file found was revslider.zip lawnella-addons.zip js_composer.zip.
  1. Text domain : Incorrect use of translation functions.More than one text-domain is being used in this theme. This means the theme will not be compatible with WordPress.org language packs. The domains found are lawnella, woocommerce, rakon, steelthemes-nest, nest-addons.
  2. Custom elements : Presence of custom headerNo reference to custom header was found in the theme.
  3. I18N implementation : Proper use of _e(Possible variable $_POST found in translation function in functions.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $_POST found in translation function in functions.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $_POST found in translation function in functions.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables.
  4. I18N implementation : Proper use of esc_attr_e(Possible variable $_POST found in translation function in functions.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $_POST found in translation function in functions.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $_POST found in translation function in functions.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables.
  5. Screenshot : Screenshot fileBad screenshot file extension ! File screenshot.png is not an actual JPG file. Detected type was : "image/png".
  1. Optional files : Presence of rtl stylesheet rtl.cssThis theme does not contain optional file rtl.php.
  2. Optional files : Presence of front page template file front-page.phpThis theme does not contain optional file front-page.php.
  3. Optional files : Presence of home template file home.phpThis theme does not contain optional file home.php.
  4. Optional files : Presence of category template file category.phpThis theme does not contain optional file category.php.
  5. Optional files : Presence of tag template file tag.phpThis theme does not contain optional file tag.php.
  6. Optional files : Presence of term template file taxonomy.phpThis theme does not contain optional file taxonomy.php.
  7. Optional files : Presence of author template file author.phpThis theme does not contain optional file author.php.
  8. Optional files : Presence of date/time template file date.phpThis theme does not contain optional file date.php.
  9. Optional files : Presence of attachment template file attachment.phpThis theme does not contain optional file attachment.php.
  10. Optional files : Presence of image template file image.phpThis theme does not contain optional file image.php.
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