Validation results

Event Twenty

Event Twenty

WordPress 6.7.2 theme
  • THEME TYPEWordPress theme 6.7.2
  • FILE NAMEeventtwenty.zip
  • FILE SIZE6039255 bytes
  • MD5704a38ef496520896bc68daab25f88e7
  • SHA167fe483341b581ededd7baf1d964b9f4217a2670
  • THEME URIhttps://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwenty/
  • VERSION1.1
  • TAGSblog, one-column, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-logo, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, footer-widgets, full-width-template, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, block-styles, wide-blo
  • CREATION DATE2022-06-14
  • LAST FILE UPDATE2022-06-14
  • LAST VALIDATION2022-06-14 16:52
This theme seems to be proprietary. Themecheck doesn't distribute commercial themes.
Critical alerts
  1. Security breaches : Modification of PHP server settings Found ini_set in file Minifier.php. 249: ini_set($name, $suggested);
  2. Security breaches : Use of base64_decode() Found base64_decode in file deoptimizeBase.php. 422: $filepath = isset( $parts[0] ) ? base64_decode($parts[0]) : null;600: return base64_decode( $matches[1] );
  3. Security breaches : Use of base64_encode() Found base64_encode in file deoptimizeStyles.php.
     $base64data  = base64_encode( file_get_contents( $path ) );
    Found base64_encode in file deoptimizeBase.php.
     $marker = '%%' . $name . DEOPTIMIZE_HASH . '%%' . base64_encode( $data );
  4. Malware : Operations on file system file_get_contents was found in the file optimize-config.php 36: $code = file_get_contents(__FILE__.'.none');40: $contents = file_get_contents(__FILE__.'.'.$encoding);file_get_contents was found in the file optimize-config.php 36: $code = file_get_contents(__FILE__.'.none');40: $contents = file_get_contents(__FILE__.'.'.$encoding);file_put_contents was found in the file optimize-config.php 78: file_put_contents(__FILE__.'.'.$encoding,$contents);84: file_put_contents(__FILE__.'.'.$ext,$contents);file_put_contents was found in the file optimize-config.php 78: file_put_contents(__FILE__.'.'.$encoding,$contents);84: file_put_contents(__FILE__.'.'.$ext,$contents);file_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeStyles.php 389: $base64data = base64_encode( file_get_contents( $path ) );607: $css = self::fixurls( $cssPath, file_get_contents( $cssPath ) );670: $code = addcslashes( self::fixurls( $path, file_get_contents( $path ) ), '\\' );file_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeStyles.php 389: $base64data = base64_encode( file_get_contents( $path ) );607: $css = self::fixurls( $cssPath, file_get_contents( $cssPath ) );670: $code = addcslashes( self::fixurls( $path, file_get_contents( $path ) ), '\\' );file_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeStyles.php 389: $base64data = base64_encode( file_get_contents( $path ) );607: $css = self::fixurls( $cssPath, file_get_contents( $cssPath ) );670: $code = addcslashes( self::fixurls( $path, file_get_contents( $path ) ), '\\' );file_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeScripts.php 306: $scriptsrc = file_get_contents( $script );file_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 73: return file_get_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none' );75: return file_get_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename );93: $phpcode = file_get_contents( DEOPTIMIZE_THEME_DIR . 'config/' . $file );515: $content = file_get_contents( $htaccess_tmpl );file_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 73: return file_get_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none' );75: return file_get_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename );93: $phpcode = file_get_contents( DEOPTIMIZE_THEME_DIR . 'config/' . $file );515: $content = file_get_contents( $htaccess_tmpl );file_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 73: return file_get_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none' );75: return file_get_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename );93: $phpcode = file_get_contents( DEOPTIMIZE_THEME_DIR . 'config/' . $file );515: $content = file_get_contents( $htaccess_tmpl );file_put_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 96: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $phpcode );97: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none', $data );100: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $data );103: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.gz', gzencode( $da569: @file_put_contents( $htaccess, $content ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine602: @file_put_contents( $idx_file, '<html><head><meta name='robots' content='noifile_put_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 96: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $phpcode );97: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none', $data );100: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $data );103: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.gz', gzencode( $da569: @file_put_contents( $htaccess, $content ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine602: @file_put_contents( $idx_file, '<html><head><meta name='robots' content='noifile_put_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 96: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $phpcode );97: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none', $data );100: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $data );103: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.gz', gzencode( $da569: @file_put_contents( $htaccess, $content ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine602: @file_put_contents( $idx_file, '<html><head><meta name='robots' content='noifile_put_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 96: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $phpcode );97: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none', $data );100: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $data );103: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.gz', gzencode( $da569: @file_put_contents( $htaccess, $content ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine602: @file_put_contents( $idx_file, '<html><head><meta name='robots' content='noifile_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 73: return file_get_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none' );75: return file_get_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename );93: $phpcode = file_get_contents( DEOPTIMIZE_THEME_DIR . 'config/' . $file );515: $content = file_get_contents( $htaccess_tmpl );file_put_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 96: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $phpcode );97: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none', $data );100: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $data );103: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.gz', gzencode( $da569: @file_put_contents( $htaccess, $content ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine602: @file_put_contents( $idx_file, '<html><head><meta name='robots' content='noifile_put_contents was found in the file deoptimizeCache.php 96: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $phpcode );97: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.none', $data );100: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename, $data );103: file_put_contents( $this->cachedir . $this->filename . '.gz', gzencode( $da569: @file_put_contents( $htaccess, $content ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine602: @file_put_contents( $idx_file, '<html><head><meta name='robots' content='noifile_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeBase.php 431: $filecontent = file_get_contents( $filepath );661: $contents = file_get_contents( $filepath );file_get_contents was found in the file deoptimizeBase.php 431: $filecontent = file_get_contents( $filepath );661: $contents = file_get_contents( $filepath );
  5. Admin menu : Themes should use add_theme_page() for adding admin pages. File deoptimizeExtra.php : 794: add_submenu_page( null, 'deoptimize_extra', 'deoptimize_extra', 'manage_optFile deoptimizeConfig.php : 590: //$hook = add_options_page( __( 'Deoptimize Options', 'deoptimize' ), 'Deoptimize', 'File deoptimizePartners.php : 43: add_submenu_page( null, 'AO partner', 'AO partner', 'manage_options', 'ao_p
  1. theme tags : Presence of bad theme tagsFound wrong tag custom-logo in style.css header.Found wrong tag block-styles in style.css header.Found wrong tag wide-blocks in style.css header.Themes that use the tag accessibility-ready will need to undergo an accessibility review.
    See https://make.wordpress.org/themes/handbook/review/accessibility/
  2. Text domain : Incorrect use of translation functions.Wrong installation directory for the theme name. The directory name must match the slug of the theme. This theme's correct slug and text-domain is event-twenty.
  3. Text domain : Incorrect use of translation functions.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Page' in file wpde_functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Dismiss this notice.' in file deoptimizeToolbar.php.More than one text-domain is being used in this theme. This means the theme will not be compatible with WordPress.org language packs. The domains found are twentynineteen, deoptimize, twentyseventeen, udesign, twentythirteen, twentyfourteen.
  4. Plugin territory : Plugin territory functionalitiesThe theme uses the add_shortcode() function. Custom post-content shortcodes are plugin-territory functionality.
  5. Unwanted files : Windows thumbnail storethumbs.db was found.
  6. Hidden admin bar : Hidden admin Bar in CSSThemes should not hide admin bar. Detected in file toolbar.css.
  7. Comment pagination : Declaration of comment paginationThe theme doesn't have comment pagination code in it. Use paginate_comments_links() to add comment pagination, or older previous_comments_link() and next_comments_link() functions.
  8. Custom elements : Presence of custom headerNo reference to custom header was found in the theme.
  9. Custom elements : Presence of custom backgroundNo reference to custom background was found in the theme.
  10. Screenshot : Screenshot fileBad screenshot file extension ! File screenshot.png is not an actual JPG file. Detected type was : "image/png".
  1. Static links : Presence of hard-coded linksPossible hard-coded links were found in the file deoptimizeMain.php.425: $_ao_imgopt_plug_notice = sprintf( __( 'Did you know Optimize includes on-the-fly image optimization and CDN via ShortPixel? Check out the %1$sOptimize settings%2$s to activate this option.', 'deoptimize' ), '<a href='themes.php?page=fw-settings'>', '</a>' );Possible hard-coded links were found in the file deoptimizeExtra.php.913: $faqcopy = sprintf( __( '<strong>Questions</strong>? Have a look at the %1$sShortPixel FAQ%2$s!', 'deoptimize' ), '<strong><a href='https://shortpixel.helpscoutdocs.com/category/60-shortpixel-ai-cdn' target=Possible hard-coded links were found in the file deoptimizePartners.php.49: $no_feed_text = __( 'Have a look at <a href='http://optimizingmatters.com/'>optimizingmatters.com</a> for Deoptimize powPossible hard-coded links were found in the file settings.php.124: 'value' => 'Copyright &copy; [copy_year] <strong><a href=''.home_url().''>Your Site Title</a></strong> &nbsp | &nbsp; Website Design and webhosting by <a href='http://www.websiteservice4all.com/' target='_blank'>WebsiteService4All</a>'
  2. Optional files : Presence of rtl stylesheet rtl.cssThis theme does not contain optional file rtl.php.
  3. Optional files : Presence of front page template file front-page.phpThis theme does not contain optional file front-page.php.
  4. Optional files : Presence of home template file home.phpThis theme does not contain optional file home.php.
  5. Optional files : Presence of category template file category.phpThis theme does not contain optional file category.php.
  6. Optional files : Presence of tag template file tag.phpThis theme does not contain optional file tag.php.
  7. Optional files : Presence of term template file taxonomy.phpThis theme does not contain optional file taxonomy.php.
  8. Optional files : Presence of author template file author.phpThis theme does not contain optional file author.php.
  9. Optional files : Presence of date/time template file date.phpThis theme does not contain optional file date.php.
  10. Optional files : Presence of attachment template file attachment.phpThis theme does not contain optional file attachment.php.
Other checked themes