Validation results



WordPress 6.7.2 theme
  • THEME TYPEWordPress theme 6.7.2
  • FILE NAMEeprom_1_5_6.zip
  • FILE SIZE5472938 bytes
  • MD53a0fc8a3df05f71973a7a6c4a75cafd0
  • SHA18738fb0e73798e198b2b4f4cd0d8472f89c03875
  • THEME URIhttp://rascals.eu
  • VERSION1.5.6
  • TAGSeditor-style, custom-menu, fixed-width, threaded-comments
  • CREATION DATE2019-04-29
  • LAST FILE UPDATE2019-04-29
  • LAST VALIDATION2019-04-29 16:58
This theme seems to be proprietary. Themecheck doesn't distribute commercial themes.
Critical alerts
  1. Title : Title No reference to add_theme_support( "title-tag" ) was found in the theme.The theme needs to have <title> tags, ideally in the header.php file.The theme needs to have a call to wp_title(), ideally in the header.php file.The <title> tags can only contain a call to wp_title(). Use the wp_title filter to modify the output.
  2. Security breaches : Use of base64_decode() Found base64_decode in file class-r-panel.php. 351: $data = base64_decode($data['import'] );
  3. Security breaches : Use of base64_encode() Found base64_encode in file functions.php.
     $credentials = base64_encode( $bearer_token_credential );
    Found base64_encode in file class-r-panel.php.
     $encode_export = base64_encode( serialize( $this->saved_options ) );
     $export = base64_encode(serialize($this->saved_options) );
  4. Presence of iframes : iframes are sometimes used to load unwanted adverts and malicious code on another site Found <iframe width="100%" height="' . esc_attr( $height ) . '" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=' . esc_url( $url ) . '"> in file shortcodes.php. 1659: $output = '<iframe width='100%' height='' . esc_attr( $height ) . '' scrolling='no' fr
  5. Malware : Operations on file system file_get_contents was found in the file class-r-panel.php 241: $font_content = file_get_contents( $cufon_path . $font );readfile was found in the file download.php 135: @readfile ($file) ;
  6. Admin menu : Themes should use add_theme_page() for adding admin pages. File class-r-panel.php : 141: $panel_sub_page = add_submenu_page( $this->args['page_name'], $this->args['menu_name'], $thisFile class-r-panel.php : 149: $panel_page = add_menu_page( $this->args['menu_name'], $this->args['menu_name'], 'manage_File class-r-custom-posts.php : 77: $panel_sub_page = add_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=' . $this->args['post_name'], $this->
  7. Comment reply : Declaration of comment reply Could not find the comment-reply js script enqueued.
  8. Deprecated functions : get_bloginfo get_bloginfo('wpurl') was found in the file init.php. Use site_url() instead.147: 'href' => get_bloginfo('wpurl') .'/wp-admin/admin.php?page=panel-main.php'
  9. Included plugins : Zip file found Plugins are not allowed in themes. The zip file found was soundmanager2_flash_xdomain.zip.
  1. special URIs : Presence of bad theme tagsTheme URI and Author URI should not be the same.
  2. theme tags : Presence of bad theme tagsThe tag fixed-width has been deprecated, it must be removed from style.css header.
  3. Text domain : Incorrect use of translation functions.Wrong installation directory for the theme name. The directory name must match the slug of the theme. This theme's correct slug and text-domain is eprom.
  4. Text domain : Incorrect use of translation functions.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Comments' in file search.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Read more' in file search.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'No search results for:' in file search.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Last 30 Posts.' in file template-archives.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Archives by Month.' in file template-archives.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Archives by Subject.' in file template-archives.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Archives by Year.' in file template-archives.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'All Artists' in file template-releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Please do not load this page directly. Thanks!' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Reply' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Your comment is awaiting moderation.' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Comments.' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'This post is password protected. Enter the password to view any comments.' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Comments are closed.' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Currently there are no comments related to this article. You have a special honor to be the first commenter. Thanks!' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Comments are closed.' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '<strong>Name</strong> (required)' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '<strong>Email</strong> (required)' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '<strong>Website URL</strong>' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Leave a Reply.' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Leave a Reply.' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '(Click here to cancel reply)' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Post Comment' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '* Your email address will not be published.' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'You may use these <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> tags and attributes: %s' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '<strong>Your Comment</strong> (required)' in file comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Comments' in file tag.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Read more' in file tag.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Comments' in file template-blog.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Read more' in file template-blog.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'You are using Internet Explorer 7.0 or older to view this site. Your browser is an eight year old browser which does not display modern web sites properly. Please upgrade to a newer browser to fully enjoy the web. <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/default.aspx">Upgrade your browser</a>' in file header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'The main menu has not selected location or does not exist. Go to Wordpress > Appearance > Menus and set your menu.' in file header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Comments' in file archive.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Read more' in file archive.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Page not found.' in file 404.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Please check that there isn’t a typo in your URL.' in file 404.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Comments' in file category.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Read more' in file category.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'TIME LEFT:' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Days' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Hours' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Minutes' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Seconds' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Error: Please set correct album ID' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Error: Album has no pictures' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No Comments', 'Recent Comments' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Custom Title' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '<strong>Name</strong> (required)' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '<strong>Email</strong> (required)' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '<strong>Subject</strong>' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '<strong>Your Message</strong> (required)' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Submit Message' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'You can not use [nav] in this page.' in file shortcodes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Email address does not valid. <br/>Check your email address in Theme Settings > Pages > Contact.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Email address does not valid. <br/>Check your email address in Theme Settings > Pages > Contact.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Email address does not exists. <br/>Check your email address in Theme Settings > Pages > Contact.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Please enter your name.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Please leave a message.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Please enter a valid email address.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Message from' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments "\n---\nThis email was sent by contact form.\n" in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Your email has been sent!' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'There was a problem sending your email!' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'ERROR: Missing API Key.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'ERROR: Missing API Secret.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'ERROR: Missing Twitter Feed User Name.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'ago' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'ERROR: Twitter API error.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'ERROR: Username not exists or Twitter API error.' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Page %CURRENT_PAGE% of %TOTAL_PAGES%' in file wp_pagenavi.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '&laquo; First' in file wp_pagenavi.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Last &raquo;' in file wp_pagenavi.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '&raquo;' in file wp_pagenavi.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '&laquo;' in file wp_pagenavi.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '...' in file wp_pagenavi.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments '...' in file wp_pagenavi.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'View your shopping cart' in file init.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _n, with the arguments '%d item', '%d items' in file init.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Top Menu' in file init.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Main Menu' in file init.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Footer Menu' in file init.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Theme Settings', 'Admin Panel' in file init.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Navigate...' in file scripts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display latest tweets from twitter', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'R-Twitter', 'Twitter Widget (RT)' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tweets', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Title:', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Username:', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Consumer key:', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Consumer secret:', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Access token:', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Access token secret:', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of tweets to show:', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments '20 is the maximum', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display replies:', 'R-Twitter Widget' in file r_twitter.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display latest posts', 'R-Posts Widget' in file r_posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'R-Posts', 'Posts Widget (RT)' in file r_posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Recent Posts', 'R-Posts Widget' in file r_posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Title:', 'R-Posts Widget' in file r_posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select category:', 'R-Posts Widget' in file r_posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'All', 'R-Posts Widget' in file r_posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of posts to show:', 'R-Posts Widget' in file r_posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Date format:', 'R-Posts Widget' in file r_posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Default', 'Sidebars' in file sidebars.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Category', 'Sidebars' in file sidebars.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Archive', 'Sidebars' in file sidebars.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Footer Column 1', 'Sidebars' in file sidebars.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Footer Column 2', 'Sidebars' in file sidebars.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Footer Column 3', 'Sidebars' in file sidebars.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Shop', 'Sidebars' in file sidebars.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display images from flickr', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'R-Flickr', 'Flickr Widget (RT)' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The Flickr ID or user set is invalid or does not exist.', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Flickr', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Title:', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Flickr Source:', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Flickr Source:', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Flickr ID:', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Find your Flickr user or group id', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Flickr Set:', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of photos:', 'R-Flickr Widget' in file r_flickr.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display latests comments', 'R-Comments Widget' in file r_comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'R-Comments', 'Comments Widget (RT)' in file r_comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Recent Comments', 'R-Comments Widget' in file r_comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Title:', 'R-Comments Widget' in file r_comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of comments:', 'R-Comments Widget' in file r_comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Type the word limit for the comment:', 'R-Comments Widget' in file r_comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter the number of words eg: 5.', 'R-Comments Widget' in file r_comments.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'You are not allowed to be here' in file shortcodes_manager_win.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Cancel' in file shortcodes_manager_win.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Insert' in file shortcodes_manager_win.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Shortcodes Manager' in file shortcodes_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Save Settings', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Insert Link', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add File', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently you don\'t have images, you can add them by clicking on the button below.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'You are using an image only for a preview. Select new image and save settings.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The link is incorrect or the image does not exist.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Remove', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New Item', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Generate Background', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Remove', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Background Type', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select background type.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Color', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Transparent: ', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select background color.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'File URL ', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The link is incorrect or the image does not exist.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add File', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Remove', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter image URL for your background.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Position', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical. The top left corner is 0 0. Units can be pixels (0px 0px) or any other CSS units. If you specify only one value, the other value will be 50%. You can mix % and positions', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Repeat', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The background-repeat property sets if/how a background image will be repeated. <br/> <strong>repeat</strong> - The background image will be repeated both vertically and horizontally. This is default <br/> <strong>repeat-x</strong> - The background image will be repeated only horizontally <br/> <strong>repeat-y</strong> - The background image will be repeated only vertically <br/> <strong>no-repeat</strong> - The background-image will not be repeated', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Attachment', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The background-attachment property sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Generate Iframe', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Remove', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Error: Content does not contain the iframe.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Iframe Code', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Paste Iframe code here..', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Export Data', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Import Data', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Import data', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Click on "Import data" button and paste in the box above previously exported data, and press the save button.', 'Admin Panel Class' in file class-r-panel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sort Items', 'Custom Post Class' in file class-r-custom-posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sort Items', 'Custom Post Class' in file class-r-custom-posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Edit This Post', 'Custom Post Class' in file class-r-custom-posts.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Insert Link', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add File', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently you don\'t have images, you can add them by clicking on the button below.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'You are using an image only for a preview. Select new image and save settings.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The link is incorrect or the image does not exist.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Remove', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Generate Background', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Remove', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Background Type', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select background type.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Color', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Transparent: ', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select background color.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'File URL ', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The link is incorrect or the image does not exist.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add File', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Remove', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter image URL for your background.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Position', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The first value is the horizontal position and the second value is the vertical. The top left corner is 0 0. Units can be pixels (0px 0px) or any other CSS units. If you specify only one value, the other value will be 50%. You can mix % and positions', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Repeat', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The background-repeat property sets if/how a background image will be repeated. <br/> <strong>repeat</strong> - The background image will be repeated both vertically and horizontally. This is default <br/> <strong>repeat-x</strong> - The background image will be repeated only horizontally <br/> <strong>repeat-y</strong> - The background image will be repeated only vertically <br/> <strong>no-repeat</strong> - The background-image will not be repeated', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Attachment', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'The background-attachment property sets whether a background image is fixed or scrolls with the rest of the page.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Generate Iframe', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Remove', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Error: Content does not contain the iframe.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Iframe Code', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Paste Iframe code here..', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Images', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently slider does not have images, you can add them by clicking on button below.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Error: Image file doesn\'t exists.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Error: Audio file doesn\'t exists.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Error: AJAX Transport', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Custom Track', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Remove Selected', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select All:', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Load Next 30 Items', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Error: File does not exist!', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' File name:', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' File type:', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Upload date:', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Dimensions:', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Image URL:', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Title', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Title for the image.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Description', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Short description of the image.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Image Crop', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Cropping Alignment/Positioning for the image.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Image Type', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Select image type.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Lightbox Link', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Paste the full URL (include http://) of your image you would like to use for jQuery lightbox pop-up effect.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Video Code', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Paste video embed code (iframe).', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Soundcloud Code', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Paste Soundcloud embed code (iframe).', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Custom Link', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Paste the full URL (include http://).', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Custom title', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Title', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Title for the audio.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' URL', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Paste here link to the MP3 file or link to the radio stream.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Description', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Short description for the audio track.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Buttons', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Add player buttons. Button example:<br/> [player_button title="Download" link="http://link_here" target="self"] <br/> Please note target="blank" - open link in new window.', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Volume', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Set track volume (0-100).', 'Metabox Class' in file class-r-metabox.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Nivo Slider', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Slider', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New Slider Item', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Edit Slider Item', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'New Slider Item', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'View Slider Item', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search Items', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No slider items found', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No slider items found in Trash', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Title', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Slider ID', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Date', 'Admin - Nivo Slider' in file slider.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Page header', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Default', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Content', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Nivo Slider', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Homepage Masonry', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Header Type', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select header type.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Subtitle', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add subtitle below the main heading.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Background', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Generate header background. Please note that background image is disabled on mobile devices.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Nivo Slider', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select your slider; images must be 1920x600px. If there are no sliders available, then you can add a slider and images using Nivo Slider menu on the left.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Rev Slider', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select your slider. If there are no sliders available, then you can add a slider and images using Revolution Slider menu on the left.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Header Content', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add text to the intro section below the title.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Audio Player', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'If this opion is on, you should see audio player under the page header.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tracks', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select your track or tracks. If there are no tracks available, then you can add them in Audio Tracks menu on the left.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Autostart', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'When this opion is on, the player will begin playing tracks automatically when the page loads. <br/> Please note that this option may not be supported by all mobile devices.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display Playlist', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'If this opion is on, player playlist automatically be displayed without having to click on the playlist button.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Page Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Page Layout', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the page layout.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom Sidebar', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Default', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select custom or default sidebar.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Post Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Post Layout', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the page layout.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom Sidebar', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Default', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select custom or default sidebar.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Short Description', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Short Description', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Optional summary or description of a post. This text is displayed on the page with posts list.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Blog Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Blog Layout', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the page layout.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom Sidebar', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Default', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select custom or default sidebar.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Blog Category', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'All', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Categories without posts are not displayed.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Posts Per Page', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of posts to display per page.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Date', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Date', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter the event date; eg 2010-09-11', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Time', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter the event time; eg 21:00', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Repeat', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'None', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Weekly', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Repeat event.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Every', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'week(s)', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Repeat event every week(s).', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Day(s)', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Monday', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tuesday', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Wednesday', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Thursday', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Friday', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Saturday', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sunday', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Please use the CTRL key (PC) or COMMAND key (Mac) to select multiple items.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Layout', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the event layout.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom Sidebar', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Default', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select custom or default sidebar.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Location', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter the event location; eg.: Amsterdam, Holland', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently you don\'t have image, you can add one by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event image 60x60px. Shows on the list of events.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments '(Optional) Masonry Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently you don\'t have image, you can add one by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Masonry image is shown when [masonry_event] shortcode is being used and then the minimal size of the image is 468x468px.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events Type', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Future events', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events archive', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the events type.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events Limit', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'events', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of events limit.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Thumbnails Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Release Type', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Project link', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Image lightbox', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Video lightbox', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Soundcloud lightbox', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom link', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select release type.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Thumbnail Effect', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select image effect. It won\'t work with "Image" release type.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Thumbnail', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently you don\'t have image, you can add one by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Release thumbnail. By default the size is 420x420px. If you want it to be splitted into two columns you have to use a 460x460px image at minimum.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Thumbnail 2', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently you don\'t have image, you can add one by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Release thumbnail 2. By default the size is 420x420px. If you want it to be splitted into two columns you have to use a 460x460px image at minimum. It shows after you hover the mouse over.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Iframe Code', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Generate iframe code.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Lightbox Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Paste the full URL (include http://) of your image. If this box is empty, then original image will be displayed in lightbox window.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom Link URL', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Paste the full URL (include http://) of your link or click and select it from your site.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Link Target', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Open link in new window.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tooltip Title', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom tooltip title.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tooltip Text', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tooltip text.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Lightbox Group', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter the group name if you want to change the lightbox window images. Navigation arrows will be shown in a group of releases.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Badge', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'New', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Free', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add a badge to your release.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Release Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Release Layout', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the release layout.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom Sidebar', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Default', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select custom or default sidebar.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Catalogue Name/Number', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter the catalogue name or number of your release.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Release Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Layout', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the releases layout.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Genres', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'All', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Please select multiple items. <br> Please note that if the category is empty, then it won\'t be displayed.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'All', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Please use the CTRL key (PC) or COMMAND key (Mac) to select multiple items.<br> Please note that if the category is empty, then it won\'t be displayed.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases Limit', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'releases', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of releases limit.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show "All" Button', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'If this option is disabled, then "All" button disappears from filter navigation.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show Artists Filter', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'If this option is disabled, then Artists filter navigation disappears.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Slider Images', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Currently you don\'t have any images, you can add them by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Add Images', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add images to slider.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Slider Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Effect', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Select header type.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Show Navigation', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' If this opion is on, then you should see the slider navigation.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Manual Advance', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Force manual transitions.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Animation Speed', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Slider animation speed.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Pause Time', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Determines how long each slide will be shown.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Slices', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' slices', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' For slice animations.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Box Cols', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' cols', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Determines number of columns in box animations.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Box Rows', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' rows', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Determines number of rows in box animations.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Audio Tracks', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Currently you don\'t have any audio tracks, you can add them by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Add Tracks', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add audio tracks.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artist Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artist Layout', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the release layout.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom Sidebar', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Default', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select custom or default sidebar.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artist Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently you don\'t have image, you can add one by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'This image is shown on artists list. By default the size is 420x420px. If you want it to be splitted into two columns you have to use a 460x460px image at minimum.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Album Cover', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artist Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently you don\'t have image, you can add one by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Album Cover image. By default the size is 420x420px. If you want it to be splitted into two columns you have to use a 460x460px image at minimum.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tooltip Title', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom tooltip title.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tooltip Text', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tooltip text.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Album Images', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Currently you don\'t have any images, you can add them by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' Add Images', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add images.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Albums Options', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Albums Layout', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the releases layout.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Albums Per Page', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'albums', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of albums to be displayed per page.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Footer Modules', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Module Type', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Disabled', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google Map', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Upcoming Events', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select footer module.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events Limit', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'events', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of events to show (0 = all active events). ', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Address', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter the address; e.g: Level 13, 2 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Facebook Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Facebook Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Currently you don\'t have facebook image, you can add one by clicking on the button below.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Facebook image.', 'Metaboxes' in file metaboxes.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Release', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New Release', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Edit Release', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'New Release', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'View Release', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search Items', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No releases found', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No releases found in Trash', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases Genres', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Genre', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases Artists', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artist', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Title', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Preview', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Genres', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show All', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show All', 'Admin - Releases' in file releases.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Gallery', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Gallery', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New Album', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New Album', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Edit Album', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'New Album', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'View Album', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search Albums', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No albums found', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No albums found in Trash', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Album Title', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Album Cover', 'Admin - Gallery' in file gallery.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events Manager', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New Event', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Edit Event', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'New Event', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'View Event', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search Items', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No events found', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No events found in Trash', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Type', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Type', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events Categories', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Category', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Title', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Date', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Days', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Days Left', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Type', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Repeat', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Categories', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Image Preview', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show All', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show All', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Start Today', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Continued', 'Admin - Events Manager' in file events_manager.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Audio Tracks', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tracks', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New Tracks', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Edit Tracks', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'New Tracks', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'View Tracks', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search Tracks', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No tracks found', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No tracks found in Trash', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Title', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tracks ID', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Date', 'Admin - Tracks Manager' in file tracks.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'General Settings', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Basics', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Responsive Design', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Flexible theme layouts that change depending on the screen size.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Date Format', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter your custom date. <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Formatting_Date_and_Time">Click Here for more information</a>', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Image Quality', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose the quality of the images between 0 and 100 <br/>0 - high compression (bad quality)<br/>100 - low compression (good quality)', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom Favicon', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Upload a 16px x 16px <a href="http://favicon-generator.org/">ico image</a> for your theme, or specify the image address.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Theme Skin', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select your theme skin. <br/>Please note: you can change theme colors, navigation and other styles in Theme Settings > Customization.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Top Button', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display top button.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Header', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sticky Header', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sticky header.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show Top Menu', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show top menu above header.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show QTranslate Widget', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show QTranslate language chooser above header.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Language Display Type', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select display type for Qtranslate language chooser.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Logo Image', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Upload a logo for your theme, or specify the image address (http://yoursite.com/your_image.jpg). Default logo size: 119x28px. <br/>Please note: you can change logo margin in Theme Settings > Customization > Logo.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Footer', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show Footer Widgets', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show footer widgets.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Twitter Username', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter your twitter username eg. twitterapi', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of Tweets', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'tweets', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Number of tweets to display.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show Replies', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose whether you want to show replies in your twitter widget or not.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Twitter API Key', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter your twitter "Consumer key".', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Twitter API Secret', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter your twitter "Consumer secret".', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Copyright Text', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter copyright text.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Footer Top Bar', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display footer top bar.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Address', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter your address.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Telephone', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter your phone number.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'E-mail', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter your e-mail address.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'ADVANCED: Address Column Class', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Here you can change the CSS class for address column. You can use classes listed below. <br> <pre><code>col-1-2 // the column takes 1/2 of space col-1-3 // the column takes 1/3 of space col-1-4 // the column takes 1/4 of space col-2-3 // the column takes 2/3 of space col-3-4 // the column takes 3/4 of space hidden // Hides the column </code></pre> ', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'ADVANCED: Social Column Class', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Here you can change the CSS class for social icons column. You can use classes listed below. Remember that this class must always have an extra class \'last\' eg. \'col-1-3 last\'! <pre><code>col-1-2 // the column takes 1/2 of space col-1-3 // the column takes 1/3 of space col-1-4 // the column takes 1/4 of space col-2-3 // the column takes 2/3 of space col-3-4 // the column takes 3/4 of space hidden // Hides the column last // Required class for the column </code></pre> ', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google Codes', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google Analytics Code', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Insert your Google Analytics code here.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google Maps API Key', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Fonts', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Cufon Fonts', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Cufon Fonts', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'When this option is enabled text elements will be automatically replaced with the Cufon Fonts.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select Cufon Fonts', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select cufon fonts.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Cufon Code', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sample code: <br/> <code> Cufon.replace("h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6", {fontFamily : "PT Sans Bold", hover: "true"}); </code> You can use the buttons above to paste the prepared code, then you need to enter the HTML elements which you want to be replaced. For more code tips go to official <a href="http://wiki.github.com/sorccu/cufon/styling">Cufon\'s site</a>. ', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google Web Fonts', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google Fonts', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'When this option is enabled, the text elements will be automatically replaced with the Google Web Fonts.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google Fonts', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Font', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments '1. Go to <a href="http://www.google.com/webfonts" target="_blank">Google Fonts</a><br/> 2. Select your font and click on "Quick-use"<br/> 3. Choose the styles you want (bold, italic...)<br/> 4. Choose the character sets you want <br/> 5. Copy code from "blue box" and paste. For example:<br/> <code> &lt;link href=\'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400italic,800italic,400,800\' rel=\'stylesheet\' type=\'text/css\'&gt;</code>', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Integrate The Fonts Into Your CSS', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments ' The Google Web Fonts API will generate the necessary browser-specific CSS to use the fonts. All you need to do is add the font name to your CSS styles. For example: <br/> <code> h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { font-family : "Open Sans", sans-serif; } </code> ', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Customize', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Basics', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Advanced Customization', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'When this option is enabled system automatically loads custom stylesheet file. You will be able to change template appearance without editing main CSS file.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Main Color', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Main theme color.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Text Color', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Text color.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Background Color', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Theme background color.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Submenu Width', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter submenu width.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Page Header Background', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Default page header background.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Logo', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Logo Margin Top', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose logo margin.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Logo Margin Bottom', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose logo margin.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Logo Margin Left', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose logo margin.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Logo Margin Right', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Choose logo margin.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Font Sizer', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'H1 Size', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Heading size.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'H2 Size', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Heading size.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'H3 Size', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Heading size.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'H4 Size', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Heading size.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'H5 Size', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Heading size.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'H6 Size', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Heading size.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Quick Edit', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'CSS', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add your custom CSS rules here. <br/>Every main CSS rule can be adjusted. Whenever you want to change theme style always use this field. When you do that you\'ll have assurance that whenever you upgrade the theme, your code will stay untouched. <br/>Avoid making changes to "style.css" file directly. Whenever you change something, you can always export your data using Advanced > Import/Export.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Javascript', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add your custom Javascript code. <br/> Below you have simple example of jQuery script: <br/><code>jQuery.noConflict(); <br/>jQuery(document).ready(function () { <br/>alert(\'Hello World!\' );<br/>});</code>', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Pages', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Basics', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Comment Date Format', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter your custom comment date. <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Formatting_Date_and_Time">Click Here for more information</a>', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display Comments on Pages', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'When this option is disabled, the comments disappear from all regular pages.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Blog', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Blog Page', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select blog page.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists Page', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select artists page.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artist Template', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Here you can create a default template for your artist. Here\'s a list of available shortcodes:.<br> [nav] - Display artists navigation. <br> [cats] - Display artists categories.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists Slug', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter post slug name. No special characters. No spaces. <br/>IMPORTANT: When you change post slug name, you have to go to: WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save settings.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists Genres Slug', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter post slug name. No special characters. No spaces. <br/>IMPORTANT: When you change post slug name, you have to go to: WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save settings.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists Categories Slug', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter post slug name. No special characters. No spaces. <br/>IMPORTANT: When you change post slug name, you have to go to: WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save settings.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases Page', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select releases page.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases Order', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases order allows you to set the order of pages through a drag and drop interface or by date.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Release Template', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Here you can create a default template for your release. Here\'s a list of available shortcodes:.<br> [nav] - Display releases navigation. <br> [genres] - Display release genres. <br> [artists_names] - Display release artists. <br> [catalog] - Display catalog number/name. <br> [date] - Display release date. <br> [cover] - Display release image.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases slug', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter post slug name. No special characters. No spaces. <br/>IMPORTANT: When you change post slug name, you have to go to: WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save settings.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases Genre Slug', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter post slug name. No special characters. No spaces. <br/>IMPORTANT: When you change post slug name, you have to go to: WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save settings.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases Artist Slug', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter post slug name. No special characters. No spaces. <br/>IMPORTANT: When you change post slug name, you have to go to: WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save settings.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events Page', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select events page.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events Manager Order', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Please select events order.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Event Date Format', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select your events date format.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Single Event Template', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Here you can create a default template for your event. Here\'s a list of available shortcodes:.<br> [nav] - Display events navigation. <br> [start_date] - Display start date. <br> [title] - Display event title. <br> [event_time] - Display event time (start/end). <br> [cats] - Display event categories. <br> [add_to_calendar] - Display button with event data. The event can be added to Google Calendar', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events Message', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Here you can create a message or information which will be shown when there are no active events on the page.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom post slug', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter post slug name. No special characters. No spaces. <br/>IMPORTANT: When you change post slug name, you have to go to: WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save settings.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Custom category slug', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter post slug name. No special characters. No spaces. <br/>IMPORTANT: When you change post slug name, you have to go to: WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save settings.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Gallery', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Gallery Order', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Gallery order allows you to set the order of pages through a drag and drop interface or by date.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Gallery Page', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Select gallery page.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Gallery Slug', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter post slug name. No special characters. No spaces. <br/>IMPORTANT: When you change post slug name, you have to go to: WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save settings.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Contact', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'E-mail Address', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter your email address.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Shop', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sidebar on Products List', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display sidebar on products list.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sidebar on Single Product', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Display sidebar on single product page.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Social Integration', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Social Bookmarks', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'RSS', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter "rss". Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Twitter', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Twitter URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Facebook', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Facebook URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google+', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google+ URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Lastfm', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Lastfm URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Soundcloud', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'SoundCloud URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'MySpace', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'MySpace URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'YouTube', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'YouTube URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Vimeo', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Vimeo URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Digg', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Digg URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Skype', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Skype URL (http://...). Note: Blank field hides the icon.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sidebars', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sidebars', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Sidebars', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Sidebar', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add your custom sidebars.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Advanced', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Advanced', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Demo Content', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments "Disable this option when your template is ready and you don't need demo content (images, audio, etc...) anymore - this should speed up the template.", 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Maintenance', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Maintenance Mode', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Maintenance mode.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Maintenance Message', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Enter maintenance message.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Admin Panel', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Admin Logo', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add Image', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Upload a logo for your admin panel (200x144 px), or specify the image URL(http://yoursite.com/your_image.jpg).', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Scripts', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'jQuery Easing', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Modernizr', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Nivo Slider', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Music Player', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Global Volume Control', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Set global volume control for your music tracks.', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Touchswipe', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Respond', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Fitvideos', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Countdown', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Isotope', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Social Sharrre', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Google Maps', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Lazy Load', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Fancybox', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Import/Export', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Theme Settings', 'Admin Panel' in file theme_settings.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New Artist', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Add New Artist', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Edit Artist', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'New Artist', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'View Artist', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search Items', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No artists found', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'No artists found in Trash', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists Genres', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Genre', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Artists Categories', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Category', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Title', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Preview', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Genres', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Categories', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show All', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Show All', 'Artists' in file artists.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Please enable your JavaScript in your browser, to view our location.' in file footer.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments '<span class="color">Upcoming</span><br/>Events.' in file footer.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Currently we have no events.' in file footer.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'The footer menu has not selected location or does not exist. Go to Wordpress > Appearance > Menus and set your menu.' in file footer.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Category.', 'Page Header Section' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Tag: ', 'Page Header Section' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases.', 'Page Header Section' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Releases.', 'Page Header Section' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Events.', 'Page Header Section' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Archives.', 'Page Header Section' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _x, with the arguments 'Search results for:', 'Page Header Section' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Share' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'All' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Days' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Hours' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Minutes' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'Seconds' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments '<p class="message error">Audio player error: <strong>Player has no tracks or doesn\'t exists.</strong></p>' in file page_header.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'Custom Title' in file page_header.php.More than one text-domain is being used in this theme. This means the theme will not be compatible with WordPress.org language packs. The domains found are woocommerce, woothemes, theme, Admin Panel.
  5. Plugin territory : Plugin territory functionalitiesThe theme uses the register_post_type() function, which is plugin-territory functionality.The theme uses the add_shortcode() function. Custom post-content shortcodes are plugin-territory functionality.
  6. Line endings consistency : Both DOS and UNIX style line endingsFound a mix of \r\n and \n line endings in file soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js.
  7. Hidden admin bar : Hidden admin Bar in CSSThemes should not hide admin bar. Detected in file panel.css.
  8. Comment pagination : Declaration of comment paginationThe theme doesn't have comment pagination code in it. Use paginate_comments_links() to add comment pagination, or older previous_comments_link() and next_comments_link() functions.
  9. Custom elements : Presence of custom headerNo reference to custom header was found in the theme.
  10. Custom elements : Presence of custom backgroundNo reference to custom background was found in the theme.
  11. Editor style : Presence of editor styleNo reference to add_editor_style() was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implements editor styling, so as to make the editor content match the resulting post output in the theme, for a better user experience.
  12. I18N implementation : Proper use of ___all(Possible variable $content found in translation function in shortcodes.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables.
  13. I18N implementation : Proper use of _x(Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-panel.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-custom-posts.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-custom-posts.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-custom-posts.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. 1626: echo '<span class='mm-load-next'>' . _x( 'Load Next 30 Items', 'Metabox Class', $this->textdomain ) . '</span>';Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $this found in translation function in class-r-metabox.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables.
  14. CSS files : Presence of text domainText Domain: is missing from your style.css header.
  15. CSS files : Presence of .sticky class.sticky css class is needed in theme css.
  16. CSS files : Presence of .screen-reader-text class.screen-reader-text css class is needed in your theme css. See : the Codex for an example implementation.
  17. Screenshot : Screenshot fileScreenshot size is 880x660px. Screenshot size should be 1200x900, to account for HiDPI displays. Any 4:3 image size is acceptable, but 1200x900 is preferred.Bad screenshot file extension ! File screenshot.png is not an actual JPG file. Detected type was : "image/png".
  1. favicon presence : Favicon managementPossible Favicon found in header.php. Favicons are handled by the Site Icon setting in the customizer since version 4.3.
  2. Static links : Presence of hard-coded linksPossible hard-coded links were found in the file header.php.37: <div id='ie-message'><p><?php _e('You are using Internet Explorer 7.0 or older to view this site. Your browser is an eight year old browser which does not display modern web sites properly. Please upgrade to a newer browser to fully enjoy the web. <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/default.aspx'>Upgrade yoPossible hard-coded links were found in the file r_flickr.php.116: echo '<small style='line-height:12px;'>Displays photos from a user or group. <a href='http://www.idgettr.com'>' . _x('Find your Flickr user or group id', 'R-FlicPossible hard-coded links were found in the file theme_settings.php.59: 'desc' => _x( 'Upload a 16px x 16px <a href='http://favicon-generator.org/'>ico image</a> for your theme, or specify the383: You can use the buttons above to paste the prepared code, then you need to enter the HTML elements which you want to be replaced. For more code tips go to official <a href='http://wiki.github.com/sorccu/cufon/styling'>Cufon\'s site</a>.418: 'desc' => _x( '1. Go to <a href='http://www.google.com/webfonts' target='_blank'>Google Fonts</a><br/>
  3. Optional files : Presence of rtl stylesheet rtl.cssThis theme does not contain optional file rtl.php.
  4. Optional files : Presence of front page template file front-page.phpThis theme does not contain optional file front-page.php.
  5. Optional files : Presence of home template file home.phpThis theme does not contain optional file home.php.
  6. Optional files : Presence of term template file taxonomy.phpThis theme does not contain optional file taxonomy.php.
  7. Optional files : Presence of author template file author.phpThis theme does not contain optional file author.php.
  8. Optional files : Presence of date/time template file date.phpThis theme does not contain optional file date.php.
  9. Optional files : Presence of attachment template file attachment.phpThis theme does not contain optional file attachment.php.
  10. Optional files : Presence of image template file image.phpThis theme does not contain optional file image.php.
  11. Use of includes : Use of include or requireThe theme appears to use include or require : single-wp_gallery.php 21: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : taxonomy-wp_release_genres.php 13: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : search.php 7: include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : template-archives.php 13: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : template-releases.php 88: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : single-wp_releases.php 13: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : template-gallery.php 37: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : tag.php 7: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : taxonomy-wp_release_artists.php 13: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : taxonomy-wp_event_categories.php 43: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : template-blog.php 34: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : archive.php 7: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : category.php 7: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : init.php 250: // include_once(THEME . '/framework/widgets/' . $widget . '.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : shortcodes_manager_win.php 15: require_once($wp_include); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : class-r-panel.php 105: include_once( $this->admin_uri . '/functions/mr-image-resize.php' ); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : class-r-custom-posts.php 71: include_once( $this->admin_uri . '/functions/mr-image-resize.php' ); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : class-r-metabox.php 95: include_once( $this->admin_uri . '/functions/mr-image-resize.php' ); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : single-wp_artists.php 13: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : single-wp_events_manager.php 13: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : index.php 2: <?php include_once(THEME.'/category.php'); ?> If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : child_js.php 16: require_once($wp_load . '/wp-load.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : child_css.php 16: require_once($wp_load . '/wp-load.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : download.php 21: require_once($wp_load . '/wp-load.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : custom_css.php 16: require_once($wp_load . '/wp-load.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : single.php 13: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : page.php 13: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : template-events.php 79: if (isset($post)) include_once(THEME . '/includes/page_header.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.
Other checked themes