Validation results



WordPress 6.7.2 theme
  • THEME TYPEWordPress theme 6.7.2
  • FILE NAMEappyn.zip
  • FILE SIZE1334089 bytes
  • MD5f0b5db76f84b73078dea5a67882705fd
  • SHA118150a4176971892ece436f94200e0092088e2c9
  • FILES INCLUDEDCSS, PHP, Bitmap images
  • VERSION2.0.2
  • CREATION DATE2021-11-12
  • LAST FILE UPDATE2021-11-13
  • LAST VALIDATION2021-11-13 09:40

    2.0.4 : 0%

    2.0.13 : 0%

This theme seems to be proprietary. Themecheck doesn't distribute commercial themes.
Critical alerts
  1. Title : Title The <title> tags can only contain a call to wp_title(). Use the wp_title filter to modify the output.
  2. Presence of iframes : iframes are sometimes used to load unwanted adverts and malicious code on another site Found <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/'.$youtubeid.'?feature=oembed" width="300" height="210" allowfullscreen style="overflow:hidden; border:none"> in file widget-youtube.php. 20: echo '<div class='video_container'><iframe src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/'.$youtubeid.'?feature=oembed' wFound <iframe width="730" height="360" src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/admin/index.php" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/<?php echo $datos_video['id']; ?> in file template-actions.php. 557: <iframe width='730' height='360' src='<?php echo get_template_directory_uri
  3. Malware : Operations on file system file_get_contents was found in the file template-functions.php 697: $contents= file_get_contents($apk);754: $contents= file_get_contents($image);fopen was found in the file template-functions.php 698: $savefile = fopen($uploadfile, 'w');755: $savefile = fopen($uploadfile, 'w');fwrite was found in the file template-functions.php 699: fwrite($savefile, $contents);756: fwrite($savefile, $contents);fclose was found in the file template-functions.php 700: fclose($savefile);757: fclose($savefile);file_get_contents was found in the file template-functions.php 697: $contents= file_get_contents($apk);754: $contents= file_get_contents($image);fopen was found in the file template-functions.php 698: $savefile = fopen($uploadfile, 'w');755: $savefile = fopen($uploadfile, 'w');fwrite was found in the file template-functions.php 699: fwrite($savefile, $contents);756: fwrite($savefile, $contents);fclose was found in the file template-functions.php 700: fclose($savefile);757: fclose($savefile);file_get_contents was found in the file functions.php 619: file_get_contents( TEMPLATEPATH . '/style.min.css') );readfile was found in the file functions.php 1171: readfile($temp_file);
  4. Malware : Network operations curl_init was found in the file ajax.php 96: $ch = curl_init('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret='.$secretcurl_exec was found in the file ajax.php 99: $response = curl_exec($ch);
  5. Admin menu : Themes should use add_theme_page() for adding admin pages. File panel.php : 4: add_menu_page( 'Appyn', 'Appyn', 'manage_options', 'appyn_panel', 'appyn_seFile panel.php : 6: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Panel', 'Panel', 'manage_options', 'appyn7: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Documentación', 'appyn' ), __( 'Docu8: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Changelog', 'Changelog', 'manage_options'9: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Reportes', 'appyn' ), __( 'Reportes',27: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_extraer_contenido_gp', __( 'Extraer contenido (GooFile panel.php : 6: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Panel', 'Panel', 'manage_options', 'appyn7: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Documentación', 'appyn' ), __( 'Docu8: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Changelog', 'Changelog', 'manage_options'9: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Reportes', 'appyn' ), __( 'Reportes',27: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_extraer_contenido_gp', __( 'Extraer contenido (GooFile panel.php : 6: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Panel', 'Panel', 'manage_options', 'appyn7: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Documentación', 'appyn' ), __( 'Docu8: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Changelog', 'Changelog', 'manage_options'9: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Reportes', 'appyn' ), __( 'Reportes',27: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_extraer_contenido_gp', __( 'Extraer contenido (GooFile panel.php : 6: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Panel', 'Panel', 'manage_options', 'appyn7: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Documentación', 'appyn' ), __( 'Docu8: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Changelog', 'Changelog', 'manage_options'9: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Reportes', 'appyn' ), __( 'Reportes',27: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_extraer_contenido_gp', __( 'Extraer contenido (GooFile panel.php : 6: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Panel', 'Panel', 'manage_options', 'appyn7: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Documentación', 'appyn' ), __( 'Docu8: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', 'Changelog', 'Changelog', 'manage_options'9: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_panel', __( 'Reportes', 'appyn' ), __( 'Reportes',27: add_submenu_page( 'appyn_extraer_contenido_gp', __( 'Extraer contenido (Goo
  6. Inapropriate constants : Use of TEMPLATEPATH Constant TEMPLATEPATH was found in the file functions.php. get_template_directory() should be used instead. 588: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/template-functions.php' );589: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/template-actions.php' );590: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/template-tags.php' );591: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/admin.php' );592: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/ajax.php' );593: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widget-ultimos-posts.php' );594: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widget-mejor-calificados.php' );595: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widget-mas-vistos.php' );596: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widget-facebook.php' );597: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widget-twitter.php' );598: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widget-youtube.php' );599: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widget-ultimos-posts-blog.php' );600: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widget-mas-vistos-blog.php' );601: require_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/widget-mas-calificados.php' );619: file_get_contents( TEMPLATEPATH . '/style.min.css') );
  7. Content width : Proper definition of content_width No content width has been defined. Example:
    if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 900;
  8. Deprecated functions : like_escape like_escape found in file functions.php. Deprecated since version 4.0. Use wpdb::esc_like() instead.242: $where .= ' AND ' . $wpdb->posts . '.post_title LIKE \'%' . esc_sql( like_escape( $wpse18703_title ) ) . '%\'';
  9. Deprecated functions : get_bloginfo get_bloginfo('url') was found in the file header.php. Use home_url() instead.8: <link rel='canonical' href='<?php echo get_bloginfo('url').strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'); ?>'>get_bloginfo('template_url') was found in the file header.php. Use get_template_directory_uri() instead.32: $favicon = ( !empty($favicon) ) ? $favicon: get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/favicon.ico';35: $logo = ( !empty($logo) ) ? $logo: get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/logo.png';get_bloginfo('template_url') was found in the file panel.php. Use get_template_directory_uri() instead.4: add_menu_page( 'Appyn', 'Appyn', 'manage_options', 'appyn_panel', 'appyn_settings', get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/ico-panel.png', 81 );582: <input type='text' name='logo' id='logo' value='<?php $logo = get_option( 'appyn_logo' ); echo (!empty($logo)) ? $logo : get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/logo.png'; ?>' class='regular-text up593: <input type='text' name='favicon' id='favicon' value='<?php $favicon = get_option( 'appyn_favicon' ); echo (!empty($favicon)) ? $favicon : get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/favicon.ico'; ?>' class='regular-textget_bloginfo('template_url') was found in the file header-default.php. Use get_template_directory_uri() instead.21: $logo = ( !empty($logo) ) ? $logo: get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/logo.png';get_bloginfo("template_directory") was found in the file admin.php. Use get_template_directory_uri() instead.8: wp_enqueue_style( 'style-admin', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/admin/assets/css/style.css', false, VEget_bloginfo('template_url') was found in the file admin.php. Use get_template_directory_uri() instead.29: wp_register_script( 'custom-upload', get_bloginfo('template_url').'/admin/assets/js/upload.js',array('jquery','mget_bloginfo('url') was found in the file template-functions.php. Use home_url() instead.265: 'Referer' => get_bloginfo('url'), 376: $data = getimagesize(str_replace(get_bloginfo('url'), $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $m[3]));388: $data = getimagesize(str_replace(get_bloginfo('url'), $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $m[3]));get_bloginfo("template_directory") was found in the file functions.php. Use get_template_directory_uri() instead.976: wp_enqueue_style( 'style', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/style.min.css', false, VERSIONPX, 'allget_bloginfo('template_url') was found in the file functions.php. Use get_template_directory_uri() instead.60: $url = get_bloginfo('template_url');609: $favicon = ( !empty($favicon) ) ? $favicon: get_bloginfo('template_url').'/images/favicon.ico';
  10. Deprecated functions : bloginfo bloginfo('url') was found in the file 404.php. Use echo esc_url( home_url() ) instead.6: <form action='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>'>bloginfo('url') was found in the file header.php. Use echo esc_url( home_url() ) instead.8: <link rel='canonical' href='<?php echo get_bloginfo('url').strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'); ?>'>57: <a href='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>'><?php echo px_amp_logo( $logo ); ?></a>67: <form action='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>' method='get' target='_top'>bloginfo('url') was found in the file single-blog.php. Use echo esc_url( home_url() ) instead.7: <li><a href='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>'>Home</a> /</li>8: <li><a href='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/blog/'>Blog</a></li>bloginfo('url') was found in the file header-default.php. Use echo esc_url( home_url() ) instead.19: <a href='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>'><?phpbloginfo('url') was found in the file page.php. Use echo esc_url( home_url() ) instead.7: <a href='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>'>Home</a> /bloginfo('url') was found in the file template-tags.php. Use echo esc_url( home_url() ) instead.10: <li><a href='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>' title='<?php echo bloginfo('title'); ?>'>Home</a> <?phbloginfo("url") was found in the file template-actions.php. Use echo esc_url( home_url() ) instead.19: <form action='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>'>31: <form action='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>'>bloginfo('url') was found in the file functions.php. Use echo esc_url( home_url() ) instead.507: <p><a href='<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/wp-admin/admin.php?page=appyn_documentation#links-downl1254: echo '<link rel='amphtml' href=''.get_bloginfo('url').'/?amp'>';
  1. theme tags : Presence of bad theme tagsFound wrong tag in style.css header.
  2. Text domain : Incorrect use of translation functions.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'menu' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'menu movil' in file functions.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'menu footer' in file functions.php.
  3. Cdn : Use of CDNFound the URL of a CDN in the code: maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome. CSS or Javascript resources should not be loaded from a CDN. These resources should be bundled with the theme.
  4. Plugin territory : Plugin territory functionalitiesThe theme uses the register_post_type() function, which is plugin-territory functionality.
  5. Line endings consistency : Both DOS and UNIX style line endingsFound a mix of \r\n and \n line endings in file archive.php.
  6. Fundamental theme elements : Presence of add_theme_support()Could not find add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ).
  7. Fundamental theme elements : Presence of wp_link_pages()Could not find wp_link_pages.
  8. Fundamental theme elements : Presence of post_class()Could not find post_class.
  9. Comment reply : Declaration of comment replyCould not find the comment-reply script enqueued, however a reference to 'comment-reply' was found. Make sure that the comment-reply js script is being enqueued properly on singular pages.
  10. Custom elements : Presence of custom headerNo reference to custom header was found in the theme.
  11. Custom elements : Presence of custom backgroundNo reference to custom background was found in the theme.
  12. Editor style : Presence of editor styleNo reference to add_editor_style() was found in the theme. It is recommended that the theme implements editor styling, so as to make the editor content match the resulting post output in the theme, for a better user experience.
  13. CSS files : Presence of license urlLicense URI: is missing from style.css header.
  14. CSS files : Presence of text domainText Domain: is missing from your style.css header.
  15. CSS files : Presence of .sticky class.sticky css class is needed in theme css.
  16. CSS files : Presence of .bypostauthor class.bypostauthor css class is needed in theme css.
  17. CSS files : Presence of .gallery-caption class.gallery-caption css class is needed in theme css.
  18. Screenshot : Screenshot fileScreenshot dimensions are wrong! Detected: 700x600px (7:6). Ratio of width to height should be 4:3.Screenshot size is 700x600px. Screenshot size should be 1200x900, to account for HiDPI displays. Any 4:3 image size is acceptable, but 1200x900 is preferred.Bad screenshot file extension ! File screenshot.png is not an actual JPG file. Detected type was : "image/png".
  1. favicon presence : Favicon managementPossible Favicon found in functions.php. Favicons are handled by the Site Icon setting in the customizer since version 4.3.
  2. Optional files : Presence of rtl stylesheet rtl.cssThis theme does not contain optional file rtl.php.
  3. Optional files : Presence of front page template file front-page.phpThis theme does not contain optional file front-page.php.
  4. Optional files : Presence of home template file home.phpThis theme does not contain optional file home.php.
  5. Optional files : Presence of term template file taxonomy.phpThis theme does not contain optional file taxonomy.php.
  6. Optional files : Presence of author template file author.phpThis theme does not contain optional file author.php.
  7. Optional files : Presence of date/time template file date.phpThis theme does not contain optional file date.php.
  8. Optional files : Presence of attachment template file attachment.phpThis theme does not contain optional file attachment.php.
  9. Optional files : Presence of image template file image.phpThis theme does not contain optional file image.php.
  10. Use of includes : Use of include or requireThe theme appears to use include or require : header.php 12: include (__DIR__.'/style.min.css'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : eps_publish.php 5: require('../../../../wp-load.php');73: require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : eps_update.php 5: require('../../../../wp-load.php');88: require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : template-functions.php 769: require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.
Other checked themes