Validation results



WordPress 6.7.2 theme
  • THEME TYPEWordPress theme 6.7.2
  • FILE NAMEalone-charity-multipurpose-nonprofit-wordpress-theme-6.0.zip
  • FILE SIZE53719226 bytes
  • MD5d6e38ae3bf017e4c8d0d803de4dc9195
  • SHA1b3329ce61e792ac603d2b27924b4ad2bfd4e4a6d
  • VERSION6.0
  • TAGStwo-columns, left-sidebar, accessibility-ready, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, threaded-comments, translation-ready
  • CREATION DATE2020-01-16
  • LAST FILE UPDATE2020-01-16
  • LAST VALIDATION2020-01-16 06:37

    5.3 : 0%

This theme seems to be proprietary. Themecheck doesn't distribute commercial themes.
Critical alerts
  1. Security breaches : Use of base64_encode() Found base64_encode in file vc_progressbar_svg.php.
     'data-progressbar-svg' => base64_encode(json_encode(array(
    Found base64_encode in file vc_base_carousel.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode($owl_options);
    Found base64_encode in file vc_give_forms_listing.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode($owl_options);
    Found base64_encode in file vc_give_forms_slider.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode($owl_options);
    Found base64_encode in file vc_logo_carousel.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode($owl_options);
    Found base64_encode in file vc_base_testimonial.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode( $owl_options );
    Found base64_encode in file vc_posts_slider_2.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode($owl_options);
    Found base64_encode in file vc_sermon_slider.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode($owl_options);
    Found base64_encode in file vc_location_church_carousel.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode($owl_options);
    Found base64_encode in file client_review.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode( $owl_options );
    Found base64_encode in file vc_carousel_blog_card.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode($owl_options);
    Found base64_encode in file give_goal_progress.php.
     'data-progressbar-svg' => base64_encode(json_encode(array(
    Found base64_encode in file vc_events_slider.php.
     $owl_options = base64_encode($owl_options);
  2. Unwanted files : hidden file(s) or folder(s) .ds_store .gitignore was found.
  3. Presence of iframes : iframes are sometimes used to load unwanted adverts and malicious code on another site Found <iframe width="100%" height="400" src="<?php echo $video_sm; ?> in file content.php. 46: <div class='tab-pane fade in active video' id='tabvideo<?php echo $post->ID ?>'><iframe width='100%' height='400' src='<?php echo $video_sm; ?>' framebordeFound <iframe width="100%" height="300" src="<?php echo $video_sm; ?> in file ajax.php. 135: <div class='tab-pane fade in active video' id='tabvideo<?php echo $_POST['pid']?>'><iframe width='100%' height='300' src='<?php echo $video_sm; ?>' frameborde
  4. Malware : Operations on file system file_get_contents was found in the file helpers.php 178: $data['content'] = file_get_contents($filename);
  5. Admin menu : Themes should use add_theme_page() for adding admin pages. File VerifyTheme.php : 237: add_options_page(
  6. Included plugins : Zip file found Plugins are not allowed in themes. The zip file found was ._plugins include.zip ._alone.zip plugins include.zip alone.zip alone_lidensed.zip.
  1. Text domain : Incorrect use of translation functions.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function _e, with the arguments 'alone' in file hooks.php.Found a translation function that has an incorrect number of arguments. Function __, with the arguments '<b>Important notice:</b> In order to receive all benefits of our theme, you need to activate your copy of the theme. <br />By activating the theme license you will unlock premium options - import demo data, install & update plugins and official support. Please visit <a href="', >Envato Settings</a> page to activate your copy of the theme, 'verifytheme' in file VerifyTheme.php.Found a translation function that has an incorrect number of arguments. Function __, with the arguments '<b>Important notice:</b> In order to receive all benefits of our theme, you need to activate your copy of the theme. <br />By activating the theme license you will unlock premium options - import demo data, install & update plugins and official support. Please visit <a href="', >Envato Settings</a> page to activate your copy of the theme, 'alone' in file theme-requirements.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_logo_carousel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_logo_carousel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_logo_carousel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_base_testimonial.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_base_testimonial.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_base_testimonial.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_base_testimonial.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_base_testimonial.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_base_testimonial.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file client_review.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file client_review.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file client_review.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_logo_carousel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_logo_carousel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_logo_carousel.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_base_testimonial.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_base_testimonial.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_base_testimonial.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file client_review.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file client_review.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file client_review.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_carousel_blog_card.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_carousel_blog_card.php.Found a translation function that is missing a text-domain. Function __, with the arguments 'alone' in file vc_carousel_blog_card.php.More than one text-domain is being used in this theme. This means the theme will not be compatible with WordPress.org language packs. The domains found are alone, bears-elements-vc, >Envato Settings</a> page to activate your copy of the theme, verifytheme, goza, the-events-calendar, lemonspa.
  2. Plugin territory : Plugin territory functionalitiesThe theme uses the register_post_type() function, which is plugin-territory functionality.The theme uses the add_shortcode() function. Custom post-content shortcodes are plugin-territory functionality.
  3. Unwanted directories : GIT revision control directoryA.git was found.
  4. I18N implementation : Proper use of _e(Possible variable $themename found in translation function in hooks.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables.
  5. I18N implementation : Proper use of ___all(Possible variable $setting_page found in translation function in VerifyTheme.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables. Possible variable $setting_page found in translation function in theme-requirements.php. Translation function calls should not contain PHP variables.
  6. Screenshot : Screenshot fileBad screenshot file extension ! File screenshot.png is not an actual PNG file. Detected type was : "image/jpeg".
  1. theme tags : Presence of bad theme tagsThemes that use the tag accessibility-ready will need to undergo an accessibility review.
    See https://make.wordpress.org/themes/handbook/review/accessibility/
  2. Optional files : Presence of rtl stylesheet rtl.cssThis theme does not contain optional file rtl.php.
  3. Optional files : Presence of front page template file front-page.phpThis theme does not contain optional file front-page.php.
  4. Optional files : Presence of home template file home.phpThis theme does not contain optional file home.php.
  5. Optional files : Presence of category template file category.phpThis theme does not contain optional file category.php.
  6. Optional files : Presence of tag template file tag.phpThis theme does not contain optional file tag.php.
  7. Optional files : Presence of author template file author.phpThis theme does not contain optional file author.php.
  8. Optional files : Presence of date/time template file date.phpThis theme does not contain optional file date.php.
  9. Optional files : Presence of attachment template file attachment.phpThis theme does not contain optional file attachment.php.
  10. Optional files : Presence of image template file image.phpThis theme does not contain optional file image.php.
  11. Use of includes : Use of include or requireThe theme appears to use include or require : hooks.php 1913: include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : helpers.php 241: require_once(ABSPATH .'/wp-admin/includes/file.php'); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : scss.inc.php 2831: If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : hooks.php 3: include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.The theme appears to use include or require : helpers.php 3: include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); If these are being used to include separate sections of a template from independent files, then get_template_part() should be used instead. Otherwise, use include_once or require_once instead.
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