WordPress 6.7 theme
- TYPE DE THèMEThème WordPress %s 6.7
- TAILLE DU FICHIER39590802 octets
- MD5fcfa7ddae6151395955d18233aa09022
- SHA1fbda3b506afff4b33cd47a7d408c2e699ee68eb8
- LICENCEPropriétaire
- FICHIERS INCLUSCSS, PHP, HTML, XML, Bitmap images, Adobe Illustrator
- VERSION4.9.5.6
- TAGScustom-header, full-width-template, theme-options, translation-ready
- DATE DE CRéATION2020-09-07
- DERNIèRE VALIDATION2020-09-08 07:32
Ce thème n'est peut être pas libre. Themecheck ne distribue pas de thèmes commerciaux.
Alertes critiques
- base64_decode($s); base64_decode trouvé dans le fichier Mbstring.php. 90: $s =
$translation->setAttribute('id', strtr(substr(base64_encode(hash('sha256', $source, true)), 0, 7), '/+', '._'));
$translation->setAttribute('id', strtr(substr(base64_encode(hash('sha256', $source, true)), 0, 7), '/+', '._'));
base64_encode trouvé dans le fichier Translator.php.return $this->cacheDir.'/catalogue.'.$locale.'.'.strtr(substr(base64_encode(hash('sha256', serialize($this->fallbackLocales), true)), 0,
base64_encode trouvé dans le fichier Mbstring.php.return base64_encode($s);
base64_encode trouvé dans le fichier XliffFileDumper.php. - .gitignore .scrutinizer.yml .travis.yml a été trouvé.
- file_get_contents($filename, null, null, $offset, $length);file_get_contents trouvé dans le fichier PhpExtractor.php. 84: $this->parseTokens(token_get_all(file_get_contents($file)), $catalog);fopen trouvé dans le fichier CsvFileDumper.php. 31: $handle = fopen('php://memory', 'r+b');fclose trouvé dans le fichier CsvFileDumper.php. 39: fclose($handle);file_put_contents trouvé dans le fichier FileDumper.php. 88: file_put_contents($fullpath, $this->formatCatalogue($messages, $domain, $opfile_get_contents trouvé dans le fichier XliffLintCommand.php. 97: $filesInfo[] = $this->validate(file_get_contents($file), $file);fread trouvé dans le fichier XliffLintCommand.php. 212: $inputs .= fread(STDIN, 1024);fopen trouvé dans le fichier MoFileLoader.php. 46: $stream = fopen($resource, 'r');fread trouvé dans le fichier MoFileLoader.php. 53: $magic = unpack('V1', fread($stream, 4));90: $singularId = fread($stream, $length);105: $translated = fread($stream, $length);143: $result = unpack($isBigEndian ? 'N1' : 'V1', fread($stream, 4));fread trouvé dans le fichier MoFileLoader.php. 53: $magic = unpack('V1', fread($stream, 4));90: $singularId = fread($stream, $length);105: $translated = fread($stream, $length);143: $result = unpack($isBigEndian ? 'N1' : 'V1', fread($stream, 4));fread trouvé dans le fichier MoFileLoader.php. 53: $magic = unpack('V1', fread($stream, 4));90: $singularId = fread($stream, $length);105: $translated = fread($stream, $length);143: $result = unpack($isBigEndian ? 'N1' : 'V1', fread($stream, 4));fclose trouvé dans le fichier MoFileLoader.php. 128: fclose($stream);fread trouvé dans le fichier MoFileLoader.php. 53: $magic = unpack('V1', fread($stream, 4));90: $singularId = fread($stream, $length);105: $translated = fread($stream, $length);143: $result = unpack($isBigEndian ? 'N1' : 'V1', fread($stream, 4));fopen trouvé dans le fichier PoFileLoader.php. 65: $stream = fopen($resource, 'r');fclose trouvé dans le fichier PoFileLoader.php. 116: fclose($stream);file_get_contents trouvé dans le fichier XliffFileLoader.php. 214: $schemaSource = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/schema/dic/xliff-core/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd217: $schemaSource = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/schema/dic/xliff-core/xliff-core-2.0.xsd');file_get_contents trouvé dans le fichier XliffFileLoader.php. 214: $schemaSource = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/schema/dic/xliff-core/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd217: $schemaSource = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/schema/dic/xliff-core/xliff-core-2.0.xsd');file_get_contents trouvé dans le fichier JsonFileLoader.php. 29: if ($data = file_get_contents($resource)) { file_get_contents trouvé dans le fichier FastImageSize.php. 194: $this->data = @
- add_management_page( Fichier image-processing-queue.php : 63:
a été trouvé.
Les plugins ne sont pas autorisés dans les thèmes. Le fichier zip
- Une fonction de traduction utilisée sans text-domain. Fonction esc_attr_e, avec les arguments dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php.Une fonction de traduction utilisée sans text-domain. Fonction esc_attr_e, avec les arguments dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php.Une fonction de traduction utilisée sans text-domain. Fonction esc_attr_e, avec les arguments dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php.Une fonction de traduction utilisée sans text-domain. Fonction esc_attr__, avec les arguments dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php.Une fonction de traduction utilisée sans text-domain. Fonction esc_attr__, avec les arguments dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php.Une fonction de traduction utilisée sans text-domain. Fonction __, avec les arguments 'Every %d Minutes' dans le fichier Cron.php.Plusieurs text-domain sont utilisés dans le thème. Cela signifie que le thème n'est pas compatible avec les language packs de WordPress. Les domaines trouvés sont unite-admin, unitedthemes, unite_admin, wordpress-importer, unite, tgmpa, woocommerce, brooklyn, word count: words or characters?, ut_shortcodes, js_composer.
- A.git a été trouvé.
- Les thèmes ne doivent pas cacher la barre d'admin. Détecté dans le fichier unite-admin-backup.css.
- Aucune référence à custom header n'a été trouvée dans le thème.
- Aucune référence à custom background n'a été trouvée dans le thème.
- La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP. La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP. La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP.
- La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP. La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP.
- La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP. La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP.
- La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP. La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP. La variable $edit_id a été trouvée dans une fonction de traduction dans le fichier ot-functions-admin.php . Les appels de fonctions de traduction ne doivent pas contenir de variables PHP.
- Aucune référence à the_post_thumbnail n'a été trouvée dans le thème.
- Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-video.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-gallery.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-audio.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-video.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-gallery.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-audio.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-video.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-gallery.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-audio.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-video.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-quote.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-link.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-gallery.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-audio.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-video.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-quote.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-link.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-gallery.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.Au moins une date codée en dur a été trouvée dans le fichier content-audio.php. Il est préférable d'utiliser la fonction get_option( 'date_format' )à la place.
- Mauvaise extension de fichier screenshot ! Le fichier screenshot.png n'est pas un véritable fichier JPG. Le type détecté est : "image/png".
- Déclaration de favicon trouvée dans unite-init.php. Les favicons sont prises en charges dans le paramètrage Site Icon depuis la version 4.3.Déclaration de favicon trouvée dans header.php. Les favicons sont prises en charges dans le paramètrage Site Icon depuis la version 4.3.Déclaration de favicon trouvée dans ut-theme-functions.php. Les favicons sont prises en charges dans le paramètrage Site Icon depuis la version 4.3.
- Lien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier unite-home.class.php.365: <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='<?php echo THEME_WEB_ROOLien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier unite-import-export.class.php.154: <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='<?php echo THEME_WELien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier unite-header-manager.class.php.282: <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='<?php echo THEME_WEB_ROOLien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier unite-video.class.php.142: <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='<?php echo THEME_WEB_ROOLien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier unite-theme-info.class.php.666: <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='<?php echo THEME_WEB_ROOLien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier header.php.24: <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='<?php echo THEME_WELien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier ot-settings-api.php.496: <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='<?php echo THEME_WEB_ROOLien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier unite-license.class.php.378: <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='<?php echo THEME_WELien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier ut-theme-options-onepage.php.1054: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1067: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1054: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1067: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image optLien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier ut-theme-options.php.8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 16895: 'desc' => 'For best image results, we recommend to upload an image with size of 1920x1080pixel (optimal size). Also try to avoid uploading images with more than 200-300Kb size. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for images op16906: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt16917: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt18263: 'desc' => 'For best image results, we recommend to upload an image with size of 1920x1080pixel (optimal size). Also try to avoid uploading images with more than 200-300Kb size. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for images op16895: 'desc' => 'For best image results, we recommend to upload an image with size of 1920x1080pixel (optimal size). Also try to avoid uploading images with more than 200-300Kb size. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for images op16906: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt16917: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt18263: 'desc' => 'For best image results, we recommend to upload an image with size of 1920x1080pixel (optimal size). Also try to avoid uploading images with more than 200-300Kb size. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for images op16895: 'desc' => 'For best image results, we recommend to upload an image with size of 1920x1080pixel (optimal size). Also try to avoid uploading images with more than 200-300Kb size. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for images op16906: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt16917: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt18263: 'desc' => 'For best image results, we recommend to upload an image with size of 1920x1080pixel (optimal size). Also try to avoid uploading images with more than 200-300Kb size. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for images op16895: 'desc' => 'For best image results, we recommend to upload an image with size of 1920x1080pixel (optimal size). Also try to avoid uploading images with more than 200-300Kb size. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for images op16906: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt16917: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt18263: 'desc' => 'For best image results, we recommend to upload an image with size of 1920x1080pixel (optimal size). Also try to avoid uploading images with more than 200-300Kb size. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for images op8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22129: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Please go to %s and create a new APP for your Website. Make sure that Request Type has been set to 'GET' inside the 'OAuth Tool' tab. Learn more about the new Twitter API here %s and here %s', '<a href=''>Twitter Developer Apps</a>', '<a href='https:8357: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8494: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8627: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8751: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 8990: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9112: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9268: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9393: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9505: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9621: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9755: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9874: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 9991: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10107: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10273: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10396: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10519: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10643: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10766: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 10889: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11417: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 11949: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12088: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12564: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12706: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12856: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 12978: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13100: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13217: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13348: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13482: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13699: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 13862: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 21878: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22498: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Select your desired font source. The theme currently supports %s and %s. The installed theme default font is %s.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Web 22794: 'desc' => sprintf( 'Create as many Mail Chimp Form Skins as you need. This option set is only for forms created with %s. Once you created a skin, please edit your mailchimp form, switch to the 'Appearance' tab and select your skin.', '<a href='' target='_blank'>Mailchimp for WordPress</a>' ),Lien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier ut-metaboxes.php.1787: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1801: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt3008: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt3076: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1787: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1801: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt3008: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt3076: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1787: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1801: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt3008: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt3076: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1787: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt1801: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt3008: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 1280x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image opt3076: 'desc' => 'Recommended size 720x1280. We recommend using <a href='' target='_blank'></a> services for image optLien potentiellement codés en dur trouvé dans le fichier functions.php.310: <a href=''></a>
- Ce thème ne contient pas le fichier optionnel rtl.php.
- Ce thème ne contient pas le fichier optionnel home.php.
- Ce thème ne contient pas le fichier optionnel category.php.
- Ce thème ne contient pas le fichier optionnel tag.php.
- Ce thème ne contient pas le fichier optionnel taxonomy.php.
- Ce thème ne contient pas le fichier optionnel date.php.
- Ce thème ne contient pas le fichier optionnel attachment.php.
- Ce thème ne contient pas le fichier optionnel image.php.
- Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : unite-import-export.class.php 314: require_once( FW_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/admin/unite-remote-file.php' ); Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : unite-website-installer.php 6: include_once( FW_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/admin/option-tree/includes/plugins/1593: include_once(THEME_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/admin/includes/ot-functions-admin.php' Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : header.php 7: require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php' ); Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : ot-loader.php 249: //include_once( $file );250: include( $file ); Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : ut-layout-loader.php 15: include_once( THEME_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/unite/core/admin/option-tree/includes80: include( THEME_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/unite/core/admin/helpers/optionsdata.php' Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : ut-theme-options-onepage.php 693: 2205: 3295: 4775: Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : ut-theme-options.php 12337: 14827: 16177: 16463: 17696: 20432: Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : ut-metaboxes.php 3981: 4410: 4976: 7385: 7396: 7407: 7436: 7447: 7488: 7496: 13663: 13675: 13707: 13716: 13919: Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : unite-helpers.php 786: $google_font_cache = json_decode( include( THEME_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/unite/core/admin/assets/google/google_font Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : unite-init.php 96: require_once ( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php' );141: include( $file );152: include( $file );157: include( $file ); Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : image-processing-queue.php 9: require_once( THEME_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/inc/image-processing/vendor/autoload. Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : ut-theme-custom-css.php 2278: include( 'css/theme-cacheable-css.php' );2279: include( 'css/theme-non-cacheable-css.php' );2281: include( 'css/global.php' );2282: include( 'css/hero.php' );2283: include( 'css/deprecated.php' );2284: include( 'css/navigation.php' );2285: include( 'css/side-navigation.php' );2286: include( 'css/mobile-navigation.php' );2287: include( 'css/page.php' );2288: include( 'css/blog.php' );2289: include( 'css/onepage.php' );2290: include( 'css/portfolio.php' );2291: include( 'css/post.php' );2292: include( 'css/shortcodes.php' );2293: include( 'css/contact.php' ); Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : ut-theme-functions.php 271: $unicode = json_decode( include_once( THEME_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/unite/core/admin/assets/fonts/fontawe Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.Le thème semble utiliser include ou require : vc-config.php 7: include( THEME_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/vc/vc-params.php' );8: include( THEME_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/vc/vc-filters.php' ); Si ces fonctions sont utilisées pour inclure des sections séparées d'un modèle à partir de fichiers indépendants, alors get_template_part () doit être utilisé à la place.